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JSONRPC batch protocol module for OpenResty / ngx_lua


The Lua-Openresty implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0 Batch Request (

The batch request is non-blocking and proceeded paralelly because this module makes use of location.capture_multi of ngx_lua. So the performance is high while the implementation is simple.

This module parses a batch request, validate it, and makes multi subrequest to upstream servers. Note that you must have a upstream JSON-RPC server as you like, but upstream servers need not apply for JSON-RPC batch request.


luarocks --local install lua-resty-jsonrpc-batch


Basic Usage

server {
    location /api {
        # jsonrpc endpoint
    location /api/batch {
        lua_need_request_body on;

        content_by_lua '
            local jsonrpc_batch = require "resty.jsonrpc.batch"
            client = jsonrpc_batch:new()
            local res, err = client:batch_request({
                path    = "/api",
                request = ngx.var.request_body,
            if err then

Advanced Usage

http {

    init_by_lua '
        local jsonrpc_batch = require "resty.jsonrpc.batch"
        client ={
            -- make limitation to batch request array size
            max_batch_array_size = 10,
            -- for logging upstream response time
            before_subrequest = function(self, ctx, req)
                ctx.start_at =
            after_subrequest = function(self, ctx, resps, req)
                ngx.var.jsonrpc_upstream_response_time = - ctx.start_at

    server {
        set $jsonrpc_upstream_response_time  -;

        location ~ /api/method/.* {
            # jsonrpc endpoint

        location /api/batch {
            lua_need_request_body on;

            content_by_lua '
                local res, err = client:batch_request({
                    -- you can change the endpoint per request
                    path = function(self, ctx, req)
                        return "/api/method/" .. req.method
                    request  = ngx.var.request_body,
                if err then
                    ngx.log(ngx.CRIT, err);



usage:client = jsonrpc_batch:new(options)

The options argument is a Lua table holding the following keys:

  • max_batch_array_size [Int]

    Set limitation to json array size of batch request .
    When a request whose json array size is over the limit comes, request method returns a invalid error json.

    The default value is nil (no limit).

  • allow_single_request [Bool]

    This module can accept not only batch requests, but also single requests (no batch requests) . For example, {"id":1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {}, "method": "hoge"} is a single request.

    If allow_single_request is set to be false, a single request results to a invalid error json.

    The default value is true.

  • before_subrequest [Function function(self, ctx)]

    Specify the callback function fired just before throw subrequests. ctx argument is a Context Object.

    For example, you can set nginx variable (ngx.var) for logging subrequests, and you can manipulate request parameters dynamically.

  • after_subrequest [Function function(self, ctx)]

    Specify the callback function fired just after throw subrequests. ctx argument is a Context Object.

    For example, we can set nginx variable (ngx.var) for logging subrequest results, and we can manipulate subrequest responses dynamically.


res, err = client:request({
    path = "/api",
    request = ###jsonrpc request json###,

Decode request json and separate it, and make subrequest parallely to specified path. It returns response json(res) which is generated by all the subrequest 's response json. err is set error message when lua script occurs an error.

It can accept following parameters.

  • request [String] (requried)

    A request JSON.

  • path [String or Function function(self, ctx, req)] (required)

    Subrequest path like "/api".

    The type can be Function which decides path for each subrequest dynamically.

    ctx argument is a Context Object.

    req argument is a single request json included by batch request json array. like {"id":1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"user_id": 1}, "method": "getUser"}.

    To give one example, we can use this function for separating api endpoints by JSON-RPC method, and we can throw original request path information to subrequest.

    Following configuration exmaple is that there are two endpoints, and dispatch batch requests to endpoints by jsonrpc method. Besides, endpoints have own API version as path prefix.

    location ~ ^/(\d+\.\d+)/getUser$ {
        # jsonrpc endpoint 1

    location ~ ^/(\d+\.\d+)/updateUser$ {
        # jsonrpc endppoint 2

    location ~ ^/(\d+\.\d+)/batch$ {
        set $version $1;
        lua_need_request_body on;
        content_by_lua {
            local res, err = client:batch_request({
                path = function(self, ctx, req)
                    return "/" .. ngx.var.version  .. "/" .. req.method
                request = ngx.var.request_body,
            if err then
              ngx.log(ngx.CRIT, err);

  • method (string) optional

    Specify HTTP method using by subrequests. The default value is ngx.HTTP_POST.



before_subrequest, after_subrequest, and path callback functions has Context object in arguments. Context object includes information of requests and subrequest responses, so which value it has or not changes by the request proccess.

Context object is a lua table, and has following keys.

  • path [String or Function]

Specified by request method as path.

  • method [String]

Specified by request method as method.

  • raw_request [String]

    request json specified by request method as request.

  • request [Table]

    lua table generated by decoding raw_request json.

  • is_batch [Bool]

    The request json is single request or batch request.

  • subreq_reqs [Table]

    The array of subrequests parameters. This is the arguments of ngx.location.capture_multi.

  • subreq_resps [Table]

    The array of subrequests responses. This is the response of ngx.location.capture_multi.



Copyright 2014- Yusuke Enomoto (mosa_siru)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.