Manfred Moser
Manfred Moser
If you are the copyright holder, it is open source and want to publish under your groupId (you control that domain and can proof it e.g. via a email from...
Do you know if Facebook has some sort of developer issue tracker? I cant find any place to post a request to..
There is no issue tracker and even the pull request are not being looked at or pulled in at all.. seems nearly like a dead project..
I created this issue and will share this around to get some traction. It links back here too. We will see what comes out of that..
Btw. I created a mavenized version of the whole sdk including the examples here it is just upstream with some pom files added in the maven branch... all ready...
I sent an email to three developers from the git log now and will see what comes out of that..
Well.. there is a graceful shutdown for coordinator in the works...
@radek-starburst @losipiuk @nineinchnick .. any chance you could look at this?
Could you rebase and resolve conflicts. I can look at merging this.