yggdrasil copied to clipboard
a drupal8 twig theme to show off the epicness of drupaltwig
Intro 7 years of "theming"
the principels we are building on all the bla bla start from nothing
Bartik vs. Stark
#dreammarkup its not only the end markup - its about how the twig files are working as well
1. setup settings.php
make debug work settings.php line 305: ' $settings['twig_debug'] = TRUE;
2. themename.info.yaml
remove css
overwrite css add css
print css (unless you do it as a print media query)
Define regions:
[ ]whats settings do in info.yaml
config: .breakpoints .settings
what can we set in settings & whats pretty cool
- define regions in the page.html.twig
its a pain in the ass to get the {{ dump( page ) }}
we wanna remove all the hardcoded variables like {{ breadcrumbs }} {{ main_menu }} {{ secondary_menu }} logo site slogan
region … lets just kill it we write the shit in page.twig instead
Fix title tag
file: html.html.twig
{{ dump (head_title_array) }}Don't give the site slogan on all pages - so how do i grap it ? how do i find whats available in the html.html.twig
Have fun with the css in the
is it correct that {{ attributes then prints out whats missing }}{{ dump() }} breaks the page - runs outta memory :(
[ ]How do we strip out stuff of header ?.
[ ]add new icons n stuff to header ? - how to do that in a twig file
change template for html.twig html--front.html.twig
Note: we should make html.html.twig & page.html.twig into 1 page.
Block.twig they need some help cause of crappy tags n shit - do a new theme hook suggestion how do i remove shit from the attributes fx id
{{ attributes }} prints out whatever is lost lets remove the ID cause we grownups
remove css classes
{{ attributes.class |replace( {'block-': ' ', 'block': 'oldblock', 'system': 'nada' }) }} add in ID's as a class ?
Demo: move data around without preprocess bs
- menu needs nav tags cause this is
- label element should be called for title or somethinf
create new template: block--system-menu-block.
css architecture https://drupal.org/node/1982256
User profile: just wanna print out the user image looking at {{content.user_picture}} turns out to be a giant pita. {{ dump(content.user_picture) }} drops a ton of shit
Fields needs a twig file to be overwritten
kill off the vars with content all over
field: [ ]split template up to something thats way easier to read [ ]how to hide attributes.class {% hide(attributes.class) %} dosnt work [ ] shows the use of cycle VariableDescriptionloop.indexThe current iteration of the loop. (1 indexed)loop.index0The current iteration of the loop. (0 indexed)loop.revindexThe number of iterations from the end of the loop (1 indexed) loop.revindex0The number of iterations from the end of the loop (0 indexed)loop.firstTrue if first iterationloop.lastTrue if last iterationloop.lengthThe number of items in the sequenceloop.parentThe parent context use a count {% for delta, item in items %} {% if loop.length > 1 %} {# no wrappers if theres only 1 item#} <div class="field-items"{{ content_attributes }}> <div class="field-item {{ cycle(["even", "odd"], delta) }}"{{ item_attributes[delta] }}> {% endif %}
<pre>{{ dump(item) }}</pre>
{% if loop.length > 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Username WTF where do that shit come from ?? [ ]where is user-picture.html.twig ?
submitted by {{ name }} at
<time datetime="{{ node.createdtime|date("Y-m-d H:i") }}"> {{ node.createdtime|date("d M Y") }} </time>
theme_username is still a thing ?
comment_count dosnt work {{ node.sticky }} crashed
fields is called in as {{ content.field_NAME }}
inline templating https://drupal.org/node/2047263
cleanup tags
Make a slideshow in a hurry
Fix {{ content.links }}
views-fields things views-view-fields.html.twig pager & mini-pager
/Tracker tables
[ ]Menu - how to cleanup that fucker ?
tag with javascript to remove the .js- prefix & use data- instead
get D8 git git clone --branch 8.x http://git.drupal.org/project/drupal.git (https://drupal.org/project/drupal/git-instructions) TODO:https://groups.drupal.org/node/278968
jen's overview https://drupal.org/node/2008464
css coding: https://drupal.org/node/1886770
guiding principles https://drupal.org/node/2008464#principles
Dreammarkup https://drupal.org/node/1980004