
Results 33 comments of 野迂迂

> ⭐️⭐️⭐️ rehypeEmbed 支持 Markdown 嵌入语法,参考 [dumi v1](https://github.com/umijs/dumi/blob/d75c7dfa04b80268ec684ea1197212e1f3a67bfb/packages/preset-dumi/src/transformer/remark/embed.ts) 重写 这个木有人做,那我领啦 😉

后续优化 - [ ] 优化插件逻辑 - [ ] 增加测试覆盖率

是因为 react-custom-scrollbars 不支持 react18 的严格模式,而且这个包已经不维护了。我们会在下个版本想办法替换这个包

目前考虑根据已完成的内容发布 v1.2.0,后续版本跟进相关内容

https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dtinsight/molecule 肯定是发了,可以检查一下 yarn 的源是否有 sync 操作

我们调研一下解决方案,不确定这个好不好解决,因为我发现 monaco-editor 上 https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/784 这个挂了好几年没解决了

It's a known problem with [email protected], and we plan to resolve it in next version. BTW, as far as i known, it's a **warning** rather than error which means it...

It's a bug about Modal. We will fix it.

前端问题 fixed in #558