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support apollo-client v3.0.0

Open morrys opened this issue 4 years ago • 8 comments

  • [x] adapt apollo-cache to the new apollo-client 3.0 cache management (80% done)
  • [x] adapt apollo-offline with the new apollo-client 3.0 mutation management (80%)
  • [x] adapt the todo example project
  • [ ] adapt the sample project in nextjs & SSR (there are problems with the compilation, the library is not distributed with the use of tslib
  • [ ] test garbage collector
  • [x] open a PR in Apollo to expose internal APIs cache & mutation)

branch wora: https://github.com/morrys/wora/tree/apollo-client-3.0 branch examples: https://github.com/morrys/offline-examples/tree/apollo-client.3.0

morrys avatar Nov 10 '19 21:11 morrys

Thank you for the awesome package! Do you have any ETA on when the support for @apollo/client >=3.0.0 arrives?

terreb avatar Jul 15 '20 09:07 terreb

Hi @terreb, at the moment I can't call you an ETA this for two reasons:

  • my two PRs made in apollo are still open and it is not clear if and when they will be integrated
  • with apollo 3.0, at the moment, they do not support persistence. see what's next?

For these reasons, I think it is early to make an apollo-cache and apollo-offline integration that guarantees use in production without risking significant breaking changes.

morrys avatar Jul 15 '20 10:07 morrys

Hi @morrys, thank you for your reply. Makes sense indeed!

terreb avatar Jul 15 '20 10:07 terreb

What’s the latest update on AC3? Their docs point to https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-cache-persist for cache persistence now.

robnewton avatar Apr 06 '21 03:04 robnewton

It now appears that AC3 is mature enough and used to evaluate the release of its support 👍

At the moment I can't say when I will be able to release it but I will keep you updated so that you can help me test it 💯

morrys avatar Apr 06 '21 14:04 morrys

Yeah that would be great, please do keep us updated. We are starting a new project now so will use v2 for the moment and would be happy to help test as you progress on v3.

robnewton avatar Apr 06 '21 15:04 robnewton

This is a great set of packages but the support for them are lacking, are there alternative repos that support persisted and cached graphQL requests, which work with apollo3-cache-persist (or replace it)?

calliday avatar Jun 11 '21 17:06 calliday

@calliday, the support for apollo 3 has not yet been carried out because even in the future version 3.4.0, which is now at the 19th release candidate, the store is very impacted.

Also, the PR https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/pull/5601 that allows for easy integration I suppose will never be accepted.

I'm sorry for this but for now I don't feel like releasing the support with these conditions and not guaranteeing a correct functioning of the library in the medium / long term.

morrys avatar Jul 15 '21 08:07 morrys