Clay Morrow
Clay Morrow
@arives , thanks for doing that! Yes, I've been getting those warnings too. I'm pretty sure they are due to us using the package `geosphere`, which itself has those dependencies....
I just checked, `geosphere` depends upon `sp`. I expect the maintainers of that package will update it soon (hopefully).
Thank you, @kelewinska! Your results actually tell us something interesting: both times, tests 4 and 5 both stayed under the limit. That means that the `parallel=TRUE` version (which calls `multicore_fitGLS_partition()`)...
Note to self: check into [local Makevars]( and [its different options](url).
@kelewinska, are you able to run the test on the server itself? If so, do you get the same results? The next test I'd ask for is for you to...
I've been successful with a script containing the following code that seems to work well: iterator-function.R: ```R iblkrow
You are correct, @PlekhanovaElena. I somehow lost an argument and the closing parenthesis. That line should read `crds = iblkrow(coord_matrix, core_num),`. I've edited my comment above to reflect this. And...
The above code (or something similar) should eventually be implemented in the package. Hopefully I'll have time to get to this soon.