Jérôme Pott

Results 21 comments of Jérôme Pott

Hi @vicbergquist I was wondering if you would have the time to look at this PR. I'm asking you because I know that you have experience with Nuxt 😊 You...

Hi! In Nuxt, you can already define components globally: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/issues/421 In my case, I have a RichText.vue component: ```vue import PortableText from 'sanity-blocks-vue-component' import externalLink from '@/components/serializers/externalLink' import internalLink from...

No, sorry I haven't. Do you have annotations in portable text that takes time to load?

hey! There are known bugs with functional components with `v0.1.0`. These bugs were fixed in `v1.0`, which only works with Vue 3. If I were you, I would use a...

haha I was just going to request the same feature 😄 **To be more precise, it would be nice if the sitemap module could work with the new [crawler option](https://nuxtjs.org/blog/going-full-static/#crawler-integrated)...

For fully static Nuxt websites hosted on Netlify, this build plugin could also be a viable solution: https://github.com/netlify-labs/netlify-plugin-sitemap

@timbenniks also wrote a blog post about it: https://timbenniks.dev/writings/easy-dynamic-routes-in-your-nuxt-sitemap/ I guess it shouldn't too hard now to have that code directly in this module.

@NicoPennec Thanks for implementing this feature! It works great. Is it better to add this module to `buildModules` instead of `modules`, so that this module code doesn't end up in...

I ran into that problem too. What I did is: wrap vue-paginate in a div with a v-if="yourArray.length". In this way, it will force vue-paginate to re-render.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31035196/iron-router-conflict-with-angular-ui-router Personally, I just stopped using Houston. It is too much hassle to implement iron:router only to get rid of that warning.