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Write internal API Client and add all API types
This has been corroborated with the matrix room; I'd like to rewrite the internal API Client (the functions and data models) that calls out to the Lemmy servers.
I'll put the application Logic under Logic/Networking/Lemmy Interface
, and the data models under Models/Lemmy Interface
Doing this correctly is a bit of a challenge since Lemmy currently does not have HTTP API Docs, but ill reverse engineer the API from the rust source.
The current progress on the API endpoints:
- [x] GET /site GetSite
- [ ]
needs to be stubbed out more
- [ ]
- [ ] #123
- [x] PUT /site EditSite
- [x] GET /community GetCommunity
- [x] POST /community CreateCommunity
- [x] PUT /community EditCommunity
- [x] PUT /community/hide HideCommunity
- [x] GET /community/list ListCommunities
- [x] POST /community/follow FollowCommunity
- [x] POST /community/block BlockCommunity
- [x] POST /community/delete DeleteCommunity
- [x] POST /community/remove RemoveCommunity
- [x] POST /community/transfer TransferCommunity
- [x] POST /community/ban_user BanFromCommunity
- [x] POST /community/mod AddModToCommunity
- [ ] ~~POST /community/join CommunityJoin~~
- [ ] ~~POST /community/mod/join ModJoin~~
- [x] GET /post GetPost
- [x] POST /post CreatePost
- [x] PUT /post EditPost
- [x] POST /post/delete DeletePost
- [x] POST /post/remove RemovePost
- [x] POST /post/mark_as_read MarkPostAsRead
- [x] POST /post/lock LockPost
- [x] POST /post/feature FeaturePost
- [x] GET /post/list GetPosts
- [x] POST /post/like CreatePostLike
- [x] PUT /post/save SavePost
- [ ] ~~POST /post/join PostJoin~~
- [x] POST /post/report CreatePostReport
- [x] PUT /post/report/resolve ResolvePostReport
- [x] GET /post/report/list ListPostReports
- [x] GET /post/site_metadata GetSiteMetadata
- [x] GET /comment GetComment
- [x] POST /comment CreateComment
- [x] PUT /comment EditComment
- [x] POST /comment/delete DeleteComment
- [x] POST /comment/remove RemoveComment
- [x] POST /comment/mark_as_read MarkCommentReplyAsRead
- [x] POST /comment/like CreateCommentLike
- [x] PUT /comment/save SaveComment
- [x] GET /comment/list GetComments
- [x] POST /comment/report CreateCommentReport
- [x] PUT /comment/report/resolve ResolveCommentReport
- [x] GET /comment/report/list ListCommentReports
Private Message
- [ ] GET /private_message/list GetPrivateMessages
- [ ] POST /private_message CreatePrivateMessage
- [ ] PUT /private_message EditPrivateMessage
- [ ] POST /private_message/delete DeletePrivateMessage
- [ ] POST /private_message/mark_as_read MarkPrivateMessageAsRead
- [ ] POST /private_message/report CreatePrivateMessageReport
- [ ] PUT /private_message/report/resolve ResolvePrivateMessageReport
- [ ] GET /private_message/report/list ListPrivateMessageReports
- [ ] POST /user/register register
- [ ] GET /user/get_captcha GetCaptcha
- [x] GET /user GetPersonDetails
- [ ] GET /user/mention GetPersonMentions
- [ ] POST /user/mention/mark_as_read MarkPersonMentionAsRead
- [ ] GET /user/replies GetReplies
- [ ] ~~POST /user/join UserJoin~~
- [ ] POST /user/ban Banperson
- [ ] GET /user/banned GetBannedPersons
- [ ] POST /user/block BlockPerson
- [x] POST /user/login Login
- [ ] POST /user/delete_account DeleteAccount
- [ ] POST /user/password_reset PasswordReset
- [ ] POST /user/password_change PasswordChangeAfterReset
- [ ] POST /user/mark_all_as_read MarkAllAsRead
- [ ] PUT /user/save_user_settings SaveUserSettings
- [ ] PUT /user/change_password ChangePassword
- [ ] GET /user/report_count GetReportCount
- [ ] GET /user/unread_count GetUnreadCount
- [ ] POST /user/verify_email VerifyEmail
- [ ] POST /user/leave_admin LeaveAdmin
- [ ] POST /admin/add AddAdmin
- [ ] GET /admin/registration_application/count GetUnreadRegistrationApplicationCount
- [ ] GET /admin/registration_application/list ListRegistrationApplications
- [ ] PUT /admin/registration_application/approve ApproveRegistrationApplication
- [ ] POST /admin/purge/person PurgePerson
- [ ] POST /admin/purge/community PurgeCommunity
- [ ] POST /admin/purge/post PurgePost
- [ ] POST /admin/purge/comment PurgeComment
- [ ] GET /modlog GetModlog
- [x] GET /search Search
- [x] GET /resolve_object ResolveObject