django-graph-auth copied to clipboard
Simple GraphQL queries and mutations for managing Django users.
Previous version had a problem with sign up process. If the user tried to register with email, which already exists in database, exception occured, which so this fragment of code...
I like the features this package provides but I hope there is a up-to-date-out-of-the-box-one-stop-all solution to django/graphene authentication, or simple alternatives
I am trying to use the examples mutations in ` mutation { registerUser(input: { email: "[email protected]", password: "test_password", firstName: "Morgante", lastName: "Pell" }) { ok, user { id, firstName,...
i am using Django REST framework. I stored token to databse but token return null [](url) ` from django.conf import settings from graphene import relay, AbstractType, Mutation, Node from graphql_relay.node.node...
With this change django save every last_login on the auth_user table, and send a Signal which you can intercept and know every time there is a log in in the...
`import graph_auth.schema` causes exception importing DjangoFilterConnectionField probably because I am using the latest graphene / graphene-django which may have changed some things about filters...? Here's my relevant environment: Django==1.11 django-graph-auth==0.3.1...
I think unit tests are needed for this library. I can start writing It.