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Testplan, a multi-testing framework, because unit tests can only go so far..

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a multi-testing framework

..because unit tests can only go so far..

Testplan is a Python <http://python.org>_ package that can start a local live environment, setup mocks, connections to services and run tests against these. It provides:

  • MultiTest a feature extensive functional testing system with a rich set of assertions and report rendering logic.
  • Built-in inheritable drivers to create a local live environment.
  • Configurable, diverse and expandable test execution mechanism including parallel execution capability.
  • Test tagging for flexible filtering and selective execution as well as generation of multiple reports (for each tag combination).
  • Integration with other unit testing frameworks (like GTest).
  • Rich, unified reports (json/PDF/XML) and soon (HTML/UI).

Basic example

This is how a very basic Testplan application looks like.

.. code-block:: python

import sys

from testplan import test_plan
from testplan.testing.multitest import MultiTest, testcase, testsuite

def multiply(numA, numB):
    return numA * numB

class BasicSuite(object):

    def basic_multiply(self, env, result):
        result.equal(multiply(2, 3), 6, description='Passing assertion')
        result.equal(multiply(2, 2), 5, description='Failing assertion')

def main(plan):
    test = MultiTest(name='MultiplyTest',

if __name__ == '__main__':
  sys.exit(not main())

Example execution:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python ./test_plan.py -v
        Passing assertion - Pass
          6 == 6
        Failing assertion - Fail
          File: .../test_plan.py
          Line: 18
          4 == 5
      [basic_multiply] -> Fail
    [BasicSuite] -> Fail
  [MultiplyTest] -> Fail
[Multiply] -> Fail

System integration testing example

Testing a server and a client communication.

.. code-block:: python

import sys

from testplan import test_plan
from testplan.testing.multitest import MultiTest, testsuite, testcase
from testplan.testing.multitest.driver.tcp import TCPServer, TCPClient
from testplan.common.utils.context import context

class TCPTestsuite(object):
    """Testsuite for server client connection testcases."""

    def setup(self, env):

    def send_and_receive_msg(self, env, result):
        """Basic send and receive hello message testcase."""
        msg = env.client.cfg.name
        result.log('Client is sending his name: {}'.format(msg))
        bytes_sent = env.client.send_text(msg)

        received = env.server.receive_text(size=bytes_sent)
        result.equal(received, msg, 'Server received client name')

        response = 'Hello {}'.format(received)
        result.log('Server is responding: {}'.format(response))
        bytes_sent = env.server.send_text(response)

        received = env.client.receive_text(size=bytes_sent)
        result.equal(received, response, 'Client received response')

def main(plan):
    test = MultiTest(name='TCPConnectionsTest',
                                   host=context('server', '{{host}}'),
                                   port=context('server', '{{port}}'))])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.exit(not main())

Example execution:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python ./test_plan.py -v
        Client is sending: client
        Server received - Pass
          client == client
        Server is responding: Hello client
        Client received - Pass
          Hello client == Hello client
      [send_and_receive_msg] -> Pass
    [TCPTestsuite] -> Pass
  [TCPConnectionsTest] -> Pass
[TCPConnections] -> Pass

A persistent and human readable test evidence PDF report:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python ./test_plan.py --pdf report.pdf
  [TCPConnectionsTest] -> Pass
[TCPConnections] -> Pass
PDF generated at report.pdf

.. image:: https://github.com/morganstanley/testplan/blob/main/doc/images/pdf/readme_server_client.png


For complete documentation that includes downloadable examples, visit this link <http://testplan.readthedocs.io>_.

To generate the documentation locally:

.. code-block:: bash

$ cd doc/en
python sphinx-build -b html . ./html


A step by step guide to contribute to Testplan framework can be found here <http://testplan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about.html#contributing>_.


License information here <https://github.com/morganstanley/testplan/blob/main/LICENSE.md>_.

.. |ReadTheDocs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/testplan/badge/?version=latest .. _ReadTheDocs: http://testplan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. |TravisCI| image:: https://api.travis-ci.com/MorganStanley/testplan.svg?branch=main .. _TravisCI: https://travis-ci.com/morganstanley/testplan