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css-vars-hook contains React hooks to set and manipulate CSS custom properties from the component.

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CSS Variables React hook

css-vars-hook contains React hooks to set and manipulate CSS custom properties from React component.


dev.to article


  • Set, modify and delete CSS Custom Properties inside React components.
  • Set up and manage CSS themes for the whole application.
  • Apply CSS themes (multiple variables) to any HTMLElement.
  • Written in Typescript.
  • Zero dependencies.
  • Small and fast.


npm install css-vars-hook


css-vars-hook exposes two hooks: useRootTheme, useLocalTheme.


useRootTheme applies application level themes. API consists of two elements: the hook itself and RootThemeProvider component which acts as :root selector. Directly applying theme to the :root is not compatible with Server side rendering (SSR). See API docs.

Manipulate theme

Set up

In order to set global theming you need to wrap your application with RootThemeProvider on highest possible level.

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import {RootThemeProvider} from 'css-vars-hook';

// Theme object contains dictionary of CSS variables you will use later in your application
const theme = {
    boxColor: 'purple',
    borderColor: 'violet',

export const App = () => (

Memoize theme

To avoid unnecessary reconciliations and re-renders theme object has to preserve referential equality during component lifecycle.

// Wrong!!! Component will rerender every time

const ComponentA: FC = () => {
    const theme = {
        foo: 'bar'

    return <RootThemeProvider theme={theme}>{/*...*/}</RootThemeProvider> 

// Wrong!!! Component will rerender every time

const ComponentB: FC = () => {
    return <RootThemeProvider theme={{ foo: 'bar' }}>{/*...*/}</RootThemeProvider>

// Correct!!! Theme will preserve untill one of its' properties change

const ComponentC: FC<{foo: string}> = ({foo}) => {
    const theme = useMemo(() => ({foo}), [foo])
    return <RootThemeProvider theme={theme}>{/*...*/}</RootThemeProvider>

// Correct!!! Theme is external and static in relation to component

const themeD = {
    foo: 'bar'

const ComponentD: FC = () => {
    return <RootThemeProvider theme={themeD}>{/*...*/}</RootThemeProvider>

Change theme

Theme changing methods (setTheme, setVariable, removeVariable) are implemented as effects. They will apply after component re-render. You'll have to wrap the side effect with useEffect or put in inside callback to move it out of the rendering calculation.

// Component.jsx
import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from "react";
import { useRootTheme } from 'css-vars-hook';

const theme = {
  boxColor: 'red',
  borderColor: 'green',

const Component = () => {
  const { setTheme, setVariable, removeVariable } = useRootTheme();

  // Set theme value inside useEffect hook
  useEffect(() => {
    // Theme changing effects can be applied like this. The change will happen after render.
  }, [theme, setTheme])

  // Set theme value inside callback
  const handleVariable = useCallback(() => {
    setVariable('boxColor', 'pink');
  }, [])

  return <button onClick={handleVariable}>Change variable</button>;


const Component = () => {
  const { setTheme } = useRootTheme();

  // This will not work!


The reason this code isn’t correct is that it tries to do something with the DOM node during rendering. In React, rendering should be a pure calculation of JSX and should not contain side effects like modifying the DOM. Moreover, when Component is called for the first time, its DOM does not exist yet, so there is no theme container to operate with.

Type safety

Global theme type should be defined on a project level. You'll have to redeclare ThemeType export from css-vars-hook

// types.d.ts
import theme from '@/theme';

declare module 'css-vars-hook' {
    // Provide your global theme type here
    export type ThemeType = typeof theme;

Consume the theme data

CSS variables set by RootThemeProvider are available globally across all application.


// Component.css

.box {
    background: var(--boxColor);
    border: 1px solid var(--borderColor)


import {useRootTheme} from 'css-vars-hook';

const {
    /** Get current theme */
    /** Get variable value within active theme */
} = useRootTheme();

console.log(getVariable('boxColor')) // => 'purple'
console.log(getTheme()) // => theme object


useLocalTheme applies theme locally to the wrapped React components.

Set up a local theme

In order to set local theme you need to wrap your component with LocalRoot component which is returned by useLocalTheme hook.

import { useLocalTheme } from 'css-vars-hook';
import { useCallback } from "react";

const theme = { boxColor: 'yellow' };

const Component = () => {
  const { LocalRoot, setTheme } = useLocalTheme();
  const setDarkMode = useCallback(() => {
    setTheme({boxColor: 'darkYellow'})
  }, []);
  return <LocalRoot theme={theme}>{/*...*/}</LocalRoot>

Outside different wrapping strategies this hook is similar to useRootTheme.

Customize LocalRoot element

By default LocalRoot is rendered as a div HTMLElement. You can provide custom element type (button, span, e. t. c.) by changing as prop of LocalRoot.

import {useLocalTheme} from 'css-vars-hook';

const theme = {boxColor: 'yellow'};

const Component = () => {
    const {LocalRoot: Button, setTheme} = useLocalTheme();
    const setDarkMode = useCallback(() => {
      setTheme({boxColor: 'darkYellow'})
    }, [])
    return (
        Set dark mode

Type safety

Local theme type is inferred from corresponding LocalRoot prop.