punsBot copied to clipboard
Telegram bot to make puns
GitHub Repo
Container Image
Travis CI
A very extended Spanish tradition is about to make puns when talking to a somebody using the last word of a sentence.
For example (Spanish):
-- He quedado con Carlos
-- ¿Que Carlos?
-- ¡¡El de los cojones largos!!
PunsBot is a telegram Bot to automatically make this kind of puns on Telegram Group Chats.
It has a default database of puns (English & Spanish) and any other can be added on your channel using commands.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This bot uses the python library pyTelegramBotAPI
It can be easily installed using pip
$ pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
Or obtaining it from source
$ git clone https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI.git
$ cd pyTelegramBotAPI
$ python setup.py install
Telegram token and sqlite database has to be exported as shell vars:
$ export DBLOCATION=/Users/david/punsdb.db
$ export TOKEN=<<telegram token>>
For information about how to create a Telegram Bot and obtain a token, enter on https://core.telegram.org/bots
Default Puns Submodule
Default puns are obtained from a secondary repo. It can be used or not to deploy a new instance. It is referenced from the bot repo pointing to the last existinng commit when release is created. If you want to use the last version of it, remember to update the submodule when clonning the repo.
For installing punsBot, just download the punsBot.py and the defaultpuns directory defaultpuns and place them in the same directory.
$ find .
SQLite database will be created on the first run if it does not exists.
$ export TOKEN=360...4TJHQ
$ export DBLOCATION=./punsdb.db
$ python punsbot.py
PunsBot 0.4.0 ready for puns!
PunsBot can be deployed as shell script or using cointainers. a Dockerfile is included in the repository to deploy it on a docker host.
Built With
- DockerHub - Automated builts are created with each commit on the develop and master branches, and manual builts are created with each production-ready release.
To deploy PunsBot using docker:
docker run --name=punsBot -v /var/punsdb:/var/punsdb -e TOKEN=$TOKEN -e DBLOCATION=/var/punsdb/punsdb.db -d gotrunks/punsbot
To start bot on a chat, add @puns2bot contact on it
To list available puns, execute /list or /punslist, it will list default puns, available for all chats, and specific puns, added on your channel.
To add a new pun, execute /punadd followed by the trigger used to detect the pun, a "|" char as separator and the pun, for example:
- /punadd carlos|el de los cojones largos
Regex are valid on triggers, for example:
/punadd ^.*ado$|el que tengo aqui colgado
This trigger will detect all words ended on ado, like Abogado, Certificado, etc...
Added puns are created disabled, they have to be validated by people of the chat. Minimun karma required to enable a pun can be configured with the parameter required_validations
To add +1 to the karma of a pun, execute /punapprove UUID
To add -1 to the karma of a pun, execute /punban UUID
To delete a pun, execute /pundel followed by the UUID of the pun. UUID can be obtained from the /list command. Only channel puns can be deleted.
Production Deployment
A running instance of punsBot can be found opening a chat to the Telegram contact @puns2bot or entering on https://telegram.me/puns2bot
- David Sanz - Initial work - morenod github
- Karim Boumedhel - Default puns & database initial load - karmab github
- Raul Sevilla - Default puns & randomize puns - rsevilla87 github
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details