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bootstrap-webcomponents copied to clipboard

[WiP] Rewrite of bootstrap components as web components.

Results 4 bootstrap-webcomponents issues
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A list of all Elements that should be available: * [x] Alerts * [x] Badge * [ ] Breadcrumb * [x] Buttons * [x] Button group * [ ] Card...

help wanted
good first issue

Add (or link to) more complex elements an app could need in bootstrap design * [ ] date-picker * [ ] data-table * [ ] input field with autocomplete

currently all elements are prefixed with `bs`, after getting some feedback on slack there might be better alternatives. Maybe `bwc` analog to the `mwc` elements? Looking for more ideas :)

help wanted

let's create one of those fancy standalone doc pages ### Requirements (similar to what provides) * jsdoc (with inline markdown) * separate markdown pages * inline demos * static...

help wanted