Christopher Havlicek
Christopher Havlicek
@likebreath Are the guest and host identical platforms? Are they both x64? Just guessing, but it may be an issue with binary compatibility. As a matter of general design, it...
@likebreath I meant the optimization was an unnecessary feature :)
Implemented on my fork
@likebreath Thanks for pointing that out. Link updated.
I have successfully compiled it on guest and host. As it doesn't effect the functionality, I didn't run any regression tests. You are correct. The new function is not being...
@likebreath I vaguely remember issue #6 now. I understand the reasoning behind the change. I only happened upon it again while reviewing the flows for other slowdowns. I'm not sure...
Thanks for the reminder on these issues. I'll ponder these issues and see if I can't come up with a PR or two.
Is there any indication that `vm-node` has connected to `crete-dispatch`?
Thank you for the screenshot. "Awaiting connection on 'ubuntu' on port '10012'" just means that dispatch is open to new connections - not necessarily that anything is wrong. It would...
I may have to reproduce your env, to get to the bottom of this. Can you supply the following: 1. Config files; dispatch, nodes, and run (for good measure). 1....