signedxml copied to clipboard
How to sign an XML choose some settings?
Hello everyone, could anyone create an example of how to sign an XML using the following settings?
Canonicalization Methods/Transforms
I've tried to do it, but I can't understand it.
Your Signature
element would have those settings included. The XML specifications have all of the values, but they're in code as well
Then you'll marshal and sign the xml. See tests in this repository for examples.
I couldn't find any example on the tests
folder :/
You can specify those in the xml -
Then create a Signer and call .Sign -
Can you help me to do this using the Signature
struct that I created? @adamdecaf Here's my code:
func SignXML(xpath, canonicalizationAlgorithm, certificate, digestAlgorithm, publicKey, privateKey, xmlString string, transforms []string) error {
if digestAlgorithm == "" {
digestAlgorithm = ""
if len(transforms) == 0 {
transforms = []string{
if certificate == "" {
certificate = models.GetX509Cert(publicKey)
if canonicalizationAlgorithm == "" {
canonicalizationAlgorithm = dsig.CanonicalXML10WithCommentsAlgorithmId.String()
if publicKey == "" {
p, err := GetPublicKeyFromFile()
if err != nil {
return err
publicKey = p
if privateKey == "" {
p, err := GetPrivateKeyFromFile()
if err != nil {
return err
privateKey = p
if xpath == "" {
return errors.New("xpath is required")
transformsTypes := xmldsig.TransformsType{Transform: make([]xmldsig.TransformType, len(transforms))}
for i, t := range transforms {
transformsTypes.Transform[i] = xmldsig.TransformType{
Algorithm: t,
XPath: []*string{&xpath},
sig := xmldsig.Signature{
KeyInfo: &xmldsig.KeyInfoType{
X509Data: []*xmldsig.X509DataType{
X509Certificate: &certificate,
SignedInfo: xmldsig.SignedInfoType{
CanonicalizationMethod: xmldsig.CanonicalizationMethodType{
Algorithm: canonicalizationAlgorithm,
Reference: []xmldsig.ReferenceType{
Transforms: &transformsTypes,
DigestMethod: xmldsig.DigestMethodType{
Algorithm: digestAlgorithm,
return nil
What error are you getting?