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About the book
Some possible goals
- after completing the book, you should be able to create a physics engine if you desired
- most lessons should be motivated by a real problem statement, instead of teaching the concepts with little connection to reality or strictly from a mathematical sense
- computational difficulties should not be hidden and should be taught
- don't just teach the math and expect the students to figure out the computation on their own, the computations should be first class and could even go as far as replacing the math as the teach mechanism
- prerequisites are multivariate calculus and college physics (could possibly not have a first year dynamics course as a prereq)
- the book is online and interactive (run/modify code, interact with figures)
- uses computational thinking to teach multibody dynamics
- allow collaborative contributions
- [x] vectors defined rotating reference frames
- [x] vector differentiation
- [x] kinematics
- [x] angular velocity and acceleration
- [x] linear velocity and acceleration
- [x] constraints (configuration and motion)
- [ ] joints
- [ ] forward & kinematics
- [ ] forward & inverse dynamics
- [x] mass, mass center, inertia
- [x] principal moments of inertia
- [x] loads
- [x] noncontributing
- [ ] formulating the equations of motion with different methods:
- [ ] Newton-Euler
- [ ] Lagrange
- [x] Kane
- [x] TMT
- [ ] Devanit-Hartenburg
- [ ] Hamilton
- [ ] Jain
- [ ] Featherstone
- [ ] Lagrange multipliers
- [ ] linearization (with & without constraints)
- [ ] pure numeric dynamics calculations
- [ ] spatial vectors
- [ ] screw theory
- [ ] O(n) algorithms
- [ ] symbolic, numeric, difference derivatives
- [x] simulation
- [x] visualization
- [ ] simulating stiff systems
- [ ] optimization
- [ ] optimal control
- [x] noncontributing loads
- [ ] Lagrange multipliers
- [x] Euler angles
- [ ] Euler parameters, Rodriguez parameters, quaternions
The TU Delft Multibody class has 16 weeks of class time (20 weeks - 2 witte weeks - 2 exam weeks).
- orientation, angular velocity, & angular acceleration
- Euler angles & Quaternions
- position, velocity, acceleration
- holonomic constraints
- nonholonomic constraints
- mass, center of mass, inertia
- forces and torques
- impact
- equations of motion - Newton-Euler & Lagrange
- equations of motion - Kane & TMT
- simulation
- visualization
- stiff systems
- inverse dynamics
- linearization
- Vector math
- Integrating ODEs and DAEs
Here was Arend's schedule from this year:
He only has 12 lectures.
Added the design goals to the readme and new content will be added per new issues.