Lior Galanti

Results 14 comments of Lior Galanti

Hi, sorry for only noticing this now. Could you please post the full config and the error you are getting? L.

Ill need more details. but is it possible one read fails decoding and the `filter outgoing qc fail` or `filter incoming qc fail` or is on?

@hukai916 so all bam files in the dropbox folder are outputs from the cram file? Can you please post the json config file you use and which version of pheniqs...

Can you please post pbmc_500_5p_3_aa.json and I will try and replicate it. L.

Hello Kai Just a quick update., I have been trying to reproduce this but have so far been unsuccessful. I tried both with a build of pheniqs 2.1.0 and with...

Hi Fabian I am not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. Are you trying to remove the primer from the biological read or classify by it? Maybe...

So, if I understand this correctly: you have two possible primers and 91 sample barcodes. The "libraries" are characterized by the dot product, so 2x91 libraries. Pheniqs only allows one...

Fabian Could you please also post your two primers? do they have ambiguous nucleotides? the statistical core that computes the posterior will have to be extended to support those.

So those primers show up on a fixed offset from some edge of the read segments? Is the only thing you are missing is support for ambiguity codes or do...

Hi Derek PAMLD computes full Bayesian probabilities, that means it will compute the conditional probability of each possible barcode sequence for each observation, and then compute the posterior using all...