Thank you for the quick replies. From what I could see in the `spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/main/resources/org/springframework/boot/logging/logback` resources the application name is inserted into the format string of the log message. Maybe there...
With this config: ``` Name (dev) logging.include-application-name=false ``` Logging works fine: ``` 2024-02-15T17:20:29.487+01:00 INFO 1302973 --- [ restartedMain] c.s.s.SpringLoggingTestApplicationKt : No active profile set, falling back to 1 default...
+1 for all of the information provided. I don't see any mistake in your changes. Does the Minecraft server log file state any reason why the server is shutting down?...
I added the separate socket so that no one could accidentally close the tmux session, as it won't show up when using the default socket. This is to help preventing...
I found a way to create a pid file for the minecraft process. Maybe this will help with your problem, as systemd recommends having a PIDFile set if the service...
Sure, that would be great :)