moonlight-embedded copied to clipboard
Can't empty video buffer
HOST: Windows 10 (latest stable build):
- NV GFE Version: (latest)
- GPU: GTX 660 (390.77 - WHQL - latest drivers)
CLIENT: Moonlight Embedded:
- Version: 2.4.6 (latest)
- Source: stretch main
- Running on: Raspberry PI 3 (DAC+ PRO, H.264 OC) & Raspberry PI 2 (stock) (the issue is reproducible on both systems)
- On distribution: OSMC 2018.01-1 (latest - stretch release)
Verbose output -verbose
of Moonlight Embedded:
99 % of the log are "Alsa writei" errors and in the end, the infamous
"Can't empty video buffer" error.
Note, Moonlight is launched via Luna, and OSMC defaults to MAML player. Luna is configured to launch at 1080p60 and bitrate of 42000, and default packet size (1024). Also when using an external DAC (HifiBerry DAC+ PRO), the sound is choppy, and unusable.
What is the expected result? Stable continuous stream.
What happens instead of that? Stream crashes at random.
P.S. Sorry I could not provide the full logs at this time. I will append them if needed. I have been trying to resolve this issue for over 2 months now on my own, and through various google searches for the same / similar issue. I just can't get it to work stable. Both Pies are cooled by heat sinks, so temperature is not an issue. GPU memory split is the OSMC default (256 MB for the GPU). The force_turbo flag is enabled, as well as a 33 MHz bump on the H.264 decoder on the Pi 3. The Pi 2 is not overclocked and does not have the external DAC, but suffers from both problems described above.