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App starter & dependency manager for Tarantool application server


App starter for Tarantool application server


tarantoolapp is a cli tool so it is better to install it globally to system:

$ luarocks install tarantoolapp

Or to install most recent version

$ luarocks install --server=http://luarocks.org/dev tarantoolapp

In order for this to succeed it is required to have both Tarantool and Luarocks repos in ~/.luarocks/config.yaml:

➜ cat ~/.luarocks/config.lua
rocks_servers = {[[http://rocks.tarantool.org]], [[https://luarocks.org]]}

Bootstrap an application

To create a project template for application with name myapp in current directoty:

$ tarantoolapp create myapp

Full command is:

$ tarantoolapp create [-t <template>] [-p <path>]
       [--description <description>] [--version <version>] [-h] <name>

Parameters to tarantoolapp create:

  • <name> - Desired project name
  • <template> - template to use. Available templates: (basic, luakit, ckit) (default: basic)
  • <path> - path to directory where to setup project (default is ./{your_project_name})
  • <description> - Project description (default: Tarantool App)
  • <version> - Project version (default: scm-1)

There can be special options defined for a selected template, for example for a basic template:

  • <basic_use_spacer> - Use spacer or not.

These options are defined in a templates/<template_name>/config.yaml file and in command line are prefixed with a template name.

Install dependencies

$ tarantoolapp dep

This command installs dependencies, specified in the meta.yaml file in current folder (luarocks and Lua 5.1 are required).

Full command is:

$ tarantoolapp dep [-m <meta_file>] [-t <tree>] [-h]
       [--only [<only>] ...]

Parameters to tarantoolapp dep:

  • <meta_file> - path to meta.yaml file (default: ./meta.yaml)
  • <tree> - path to directory that will hold the dependencies (default: .rocks)
  • <only> - install only these sections (deps, tntdeps or localdeps). Separated with spaces (e.g. --only deps tntdeps)


meta.yaml can have the following sections:

  • name - package name
  • version - package version
  • deps - list of paths to rockspec files or package names (each is installed using luarocks install command)
  • tntdeps - list of paths to rockspec files or package names (each is installed using tarantoolctl rocks install command)
  • localdeps - list of paths to local rockspec files (each is installed using luarocks make command). You can specify dependency in either of 2 following formats:
    • ./local/path/to/package/package.rockspec if *.rockspec file is in the package root
    • ./local/path/to/package/rockspecs/package.rockspec:./local/path/to/package - specify the package root after the colon

Getting help

$ tarantoolapp -h
$ tarantoolapp create -h
$ tarantoolapp dep -h