
Results 45 comments of moon-chilled

> This syntax might slightly bother functional purists, who may believe that `∘` should signify only functional composition Non-callables are actually constant functions that always return themselves :) I will...

Consider also a form `x∘&f`, where `(x∘&f)(|xs)` is equivalent to `f(|xs, x)`; that is, it binds the last positional argument rather than the first.

Consider also having a way to partially apply keyword arguments, perhaps by passing a pair.

Here is fine. Is there a file named perm_lock or something_lock in $home/slex/slex-2.0.3? Also, if you're using GNUmakefile, then you don't have to do `sh sys/unix/`

Yeah, the unix makefiles generally work a lot better than the GNUmakefiles (sorry @kerio92). Try doing that with slex.

Hi, can you run `echo $TERM` in the google cloud shell and tell me the output?

It shouldn't be a problem with tmux if the game itself is crashing. Can you see what happens if you run `export TERM=xterm-256color` before SSHing to the server?

If you call `dosave0()` at judicious points (e.g. every turn and every `--More--` prompt), then the player wouldn't be able to escape evil effects: if you see 'you are slowing...

> The problem is that if you hang up at "The cockatrice touches you!--More--", i.e. BEFORE the game has rolled whether you get petrified, restoring the game will then give...