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A fast pipe implementation

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DISCLAIMER : There was a big oversight and I'm a bit embarrassed about it, nested pipe calls such as cars %>% summarize_all(. %>% mean) fail. I'll see if I can fix this but meanwhile I must admit this is makes the package much less robust that I'd like it to be! %>>% works fine, nested or not. The moral of the story is there's a reason why one wants to avoid playing with global variables.

This package proposes an alternative to the pipe from the magrittr package.

It’s named the same and passes all the magrittr test so can easily be a drop-in replacement, its main advantages is that it is faster and solves most of the issues of magrittr.

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Issues solved and special features

fastpipe passes all magrittr’s tests, but it doesn’t stop there and solves most of its issues, at least most of the open issues on GitHub.

  • Lazy evaluation
# Issue with lazy evaluation #195
gen <- function(x) {function() eval(quote(x))}
  {fn <- gen(1); fn()},
  {fn <- 1 %>% gen(); fn()})
#> [1] TRUE
# Pipes of functions have broken environments
    compose <- function(f, g) { function(x) g(f(x)) }
    plus1   <- function(x) x + 1
    compose(plus1, plus1)(5)},
    plus2 <- plus1 %>% compose(plus1)
#> [1] TRUE
# Note : copy and pasted because didn't work with knitr
  • It considers !!!. as . when deciding wether to insert a dot

This was requested by Lionel and seems fairly reasonable as it’s is unlikely that a user will need to use both . and !!!. in a call.

letters[1:3] %>% rlang::list2(!!!.)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "a"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "b"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "c"
  • :::, :: and $ get a special treatment to solve a common issue
iris %>% base::dim
#> [1] 150   5
iris %>% base:::dim
#> [1] 150   5
x <- list(y = dim)
iris %>% x$y
#> [1] 150   5
  • It fails explicitly in some cases rather than allowing strange behavior silently
iris %>% head %<>% dim
#> Error in iris %>% head %<>% dim: A compound pipe should only be used at the start of the chain
. %<>% head
#> Error in . %<>% head: You can't start a functional sequence on a compound operator
  • The new pipe %S>% allows the use of rlang’s !!! operator to splice dots in any function.
c(a = 1, b = 2) %S>% data.frame(!!!.)
#>   a b
#> 1 1 2
  • The new pipe %L>% behaves like %>% except that it logs to the console the calls and the time they took to run.
1000000 %L>% rnorm() %L>% sapply(cos) %>% max
#> rnorm(.)   ...
#> ~  0.26 sec
#> sapply(., cos)   ...
#> ~  2.11 sec
#> [1] 1

Families of pipes and performance

  • A %>% family of pipes reproduce offered by magrittr faster and more robustly, and extends some features.
  • A %>>% family of pipes, offer very fast alternatives, provided the dots are provided explicitly on the rhs. It doesn’t support functional sequences (. %>% foo()) nor compound assignment (bar %<>% baz()). We call them bare pipes.

We provide a benchmark below, the last value is given for context, to remember that we are discussing small time intervals.

`%.%` <- fastpipe::`%>%` # (Note that a *fastpipe*, unlike a *magrittr* pipe, can be copied)
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  'magrittr::`%>%`' =
    1 %>% identity %>% identity() %>% (identity) %>% {identity(.)},
  'fastpipe::`%>%`' =
    1 %.% identity %.% identity() %.% (identity) %.% {identity(.)},
  'fastpipe::`%>>%`' =
    1 %>>% identity(.) %>>% identity(.) %>>% identity(.) %>>% identity(.),
  base = identity(identity(identity(identity(1)))),
  `median(1:3)` = median(1:3)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 6
#>   expression            min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr>       <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 magrittr::`%>%`   113.5us  250.8us     3104.   88.57KB     6.73
#> 2 fastpipe::`%>%`    44.8us   90.3us     9188.        0B     4.23
#> 3 fastpipe::`%>>%`    8.1us     19us    42288.    4.45KB     8.46
#> 4 base                1.3us    3.1us   297595.        0B    29.8 
#> 5 median(1:3)        24.9us   54.4us    14621.   26.61KB     4.32
rm(`%>%`) # reseting `%>%` to fastpipe::`%>%`

We see that our %>% pipe is twice faster, and that our %>>% pipe is 10 times faster (on a properly formatted call).

We’d like to stress that a pipe is unlikely to be the performance bottleneck in a script or a function. If optimal performance is critical, pipes are best avoided as they will always have an overhead.

In other cases %>>% is fast and robust to program and keep the main benefit of piping.


The implementation is completely different from magrittr, we can sum it up as follow :

  • %>>% pipes : evaluate rhs in parent environment, overriding . with the value of the lhs. Its code is extremely straightforward.
#> # a fastpipe object
#> function (lhs, rhs) 
#> {
#>     rhs_call <- substitute(rhs)
#>     eval(rhs_call, envir = list(. = lhs), enclos = parent.frame())
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x000000001abe5960>
#> <environment: namespace:fastpipe>
  • %>% pipes :
    • Use heuristics to insert dots, so x %>% head becomes x %>% head(.)
    • support functionnal sequences, so pipe chains starting with . are functions
    • support compound assignment, so pipe chains starting with %<>% assign in place to the lhs

To support the two latter, we use global variables, stored in globals, a child environment of our package’s environment. It contains the values master, is_fs and is_compound. Outside of pipes master is always TRUE while the two latter are always FALSE. The alternative to global parameters was to play with classes and attributes but was slower and more complex.

Whenever we enter a pipe we check the value of globals$master. If it is TRUE we enter a sequence where :

  • We set master to FALSE, and use on.exit() to setup the restoration of global parameters to their default value at the end of the call.
  • We reexecute the whole call (which now won’t enter this sequence)
    • If no . nor %<>% are hit in the call recursion we just evaluate a sequence of calls as described by %>>%’s code, expliciting the implicit dots as we go.
    • If the chain starts with .
      • We switch on is_fs
      • When is_fs is switched on we return the original call, unevaluated, subtituting the pipe by it’s bare version (the name of the bare version is stored as an attribute of the pipe) and adding explicit dots (so . %>% head(2) becomes . %>>% head(.,2)).
      • It works recursively and we end up with a quoted pipe chain of bare pipes starting with a dot
    • If the chain starts with a %<>% call:
      • We switch on is_compound
      • We define a global variable named compound_lhs, which contains the quoted lhs of the %<>% call
      • We reevaluate the %<>% call, substituting %<>% by %>>%
      • Then consequent pipe calls are recognized as standard
  • Once we get the result:
    • If is_fs was switched on we wrap our quoted pipe in a function and return it
    • If is_compound was switched on we assign in the calling environment the result to the expression stored in global$compoud_lhs
    • If not any of those we just return the result
  • Default global values are restored, thanks to our on.exit() call

fastpipe operators contain their own code while in magrittr’s current implementation they all have the main code and are recognized in the function by their name. Moreover the pipe names are not hardcoded in the functions, which prevents confusion like the fact that %$% still sometimes work in magrittr when only %>% is reexported.

The pipes have a class and a printing methods, the functional sequences don’t.

#> # a fastpipe object
#> function (lhs, rhs) 
#> {
#>     rhs_call <- substitute(rhs)
#>     {
#>         eval(rhs_call, envir = list(. = lhs), enclos = parent.frame())
#>         lhs
#>     }
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x000000001524e888>
#> <environment: namespace:fastpipe>
. %>% sin %>% cos() %T>% tan(.)
#> function (.) 
#> . %>>% sin(.) %>>% cos(.) %T>>% tan(.)

Benchmarks for functional sequences

An interesting and little known fact is that using functional sequences in functionals is much more efficient than using lambda functions calling pipes (though it will generally be largely offset by the content of the fonction), for instance : purrr::map(foo, ~ .x %>% bar %>% baz) is slower than purrr::map(foo, . %>% bar %>% baz). I tried to keep this nice feature but didn’t succeed to make it as efficient as in magrittr. The difference show only for large number of iteration and will probably be negligible in any realistic loop.

`%.%` <- fastpipe::`%>%`
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# functional sequence with 5 iterations, equivalent speed
library(rlang) # to call `as_function()`
  rlang_lambda =
  vapply(1:5, as_function(~.x %>% identity %>% identity() %>% (identity) %>% {identity(.)}), integer(1)),
  fastpipe =
  vapply(1:5, . %.% identity %.% identity() %.% (identity) %.% {identity(.)}, integer(1)),
  magrittr =
  vapply(1:5, . %>% identity %>% identity() %>% (identity) %>% {identity(.)}, integer(1)),
  base = 
  vapply(1:5, function(x) identity(identity(identity(identity(x)))) , integer(1)),
  `median(1:3)` = median(1:3)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 6
#>   expression        min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr>   <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 rlang_lambda  718.9us   1.47ms      589.    63.2KB     6.85
#> 2 fastpipe      120.1us  226.1us     3352.    32.1KB     6.77
#> 3 magrittr      153.9us    370us     2479.    13.8KB     6.56
#> 4 base           12.1us   28.9us    28612.    10.1KB     5.72
#> 5 median(1:3)      28us   58.7us    13592.        0B     4.33

# functional sequence with 1000 iterations
  rlang_lambda =
  vapply(1:1000, as_function(~.x %>% identity %>% identity() %>% (identity) %>% {identity(.)}), integer(1)),
  fastpipe =
  vapply(1:1000, . %.% identity %.% identity() %.% (identity) %.% {identity(.)}, integer(1)),
  magrittr =
  vapply(1:1000, . %>% identity %>% identity() %>% (identity) %>% {identity(.)}, integer(1)),
  base = 
  vapply(1:1000, function(x) identity(identity(identity(identity(x)))) , integer(1))
#> Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is
#> disabled.
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   expression        min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr>   <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 rlang_lambda 322.91ms 358.17ms      2.79  277.39KB     5.58
#> 2 fastpipe      19.64ms  42.77ms     23.2     3.95KB     5.79
#> 3 magrittr       7.96ms  16.16ms     57.8     4.23KB     5.98
#> 4 base              2ms   3.64ms    202.     14.09KB     7.94

Breaking changes

The fact that the tests of magrittr are passed by fastpipe doesn’t mean that fastpipe will necessarily behave as expected by magrittr’s users in all cicumstances.

Here are the main such cases :

  • In pastpipe functional sequences don’t have a class and are not subsetable. This is a feature that Stefan Bache wanted to weed out of his package, but can still break some code.

  • We said earlier that the instances of using both !!!. and . are expected to be rare, but they happen nonetheless. The call mtcars[8:11] %>% dplyr::count(!!!.) works with magrittr but with fastpipe we need mtcars[8:11] %>% dplyr::count(., !!!.).

  • If %T>% or %$% are not reexported by a package which reexports %>%, they will not be usable at all, while at the moment after attaching dplyr you can do cars %$% speed %>% head(2) even if %$% is nowhere to be found. It’s a feature of fastpipe rather than a bug but will still break the code of those who forgot to attach magrittr and had their code work by luck.

  • If reexporting %>% from fastpipe, one must also reexport %>>% as it is used by functional sequences.

  • If you do strange things like cars %>% `$`("spee") it won’t work with fastpipe because $, :: and ::: are special cases and fastpipe would basically try to run '$'("spee",)(cars) and choke because there’d be no second argument to $.


  • The package magrittr was created by Stefan Milton Bache and Hadley Wickham. The design of the pipe’s interface and most of the testing code of this package is their work or the work of other magrittr contributors, while none of the remaining code is.
  • The package is young and might still change.
  • magrittr’s pipe is widespread and reexported by prominent tidyverse packages. It could have been annoying if they masked fastpipe ’s operator(s) each time so I set a hook so that whenever one of those prominent packages is attached, fastpipe will be detached and reattached at the end of the search path. This assumes that if you attach fastpipe you want to use its pipes by default, which I think is reasonable. A message makes it explicit, for instance :

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following object is masked _by_ ‘package:fastpipe’:


The current list of the packages subjects to this hook is : magrittr, dplyr, purrr, tidyr, stringr, forcats, rvest, modelr, testthat. However many more packages reexport magrittr’s pipe and the safest way to make sure you’re using fastpipe is to attach it after all other packages.