iOS-ZoomingTransition icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
iOS-ZoomingTransition copied to clipboard

A library to make zooming transition easier


CI Status Version License Platform




ios 10.0 , swift 5.0

How to use

1. Pod install

pod 'ZoomingTransition'

2. To make your viewcontroller as a "PushVC", just extends ZoomPushVC ,and implement ZoomTransitionAnimatorDelegate

class MyPushVC : ZoomPushVC,ZoomTransitionAnimatorDelegate{

var lastSelectedIndexPath: IndexPath? = nil

//your own code...

func transitionWillStart() {
    guard let lastSelected = self.lastSelectedIndexPath else { return }
    self.collectionView.cellForItem(at: lastSelected)?.isHidden = true

func transitionDidEnd() {
    guard let lastSelected = self.lastSelectedIndexPath else { return }
    self.collectionView.cellForItem(at: lastSelected)?.isHidden = false

func referenceImage() -> UIImage? {
        let lastSelected = self.lastSelectedIndexPath,
        let cell = self.collectionView.cellForItem(at: lastSelected) as? CustomCell
    else {
        return nil

    return cell.imageView.image

func imageFrame() -> CGRect? {
        let lastSelected = self.lastSelectedIndexPath,
        let cell = self.collectionView.cellForItem(at: lastSelected) as? CustomCell
    else {
        return nil
    return FrameHelper.getTargerFrame(originalView: cell.imageView, targetView: self.view)


3. Record the lastSelectedIndexPath when click the item of collectionview

class MyPushVC : ZoomPushVC,ZoomTransitionAnimatorDelegate{

//with the code above ...

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    self.lastSelectedIndexPath = indexPath
    let vc = PreviewVC()
    vc.image = self.slices[indexPath.row]
    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)


4. To make your viewcontroller as a "PopVC", just implement ZoomTransitionAnimatorDelegate

class PreviewVC: UIViewController,ZoomTransitionAnimatorDelegate{

//...your own code

//when back button clicked
@objc func close(){
    self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

func transitionWillStart() {
   // self.imageView.isHidden = true
    self.view.alpha = 0

func transitionDidEnd() {
  //  self.imageView.isHidden = true
    self.view.alpha = 1

func referenceImage() -> UIImage? {
    return FrameHelper.getScreenshot(with: self.view)

func imageFrame() -> CGRect? {
    return self.view.frame

That's it ! Then you will see the fantastic zooming transition :)




ZoomingTransition is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.