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Update the webhook documentation
The actual webhook event looks nothing like in the docs and it differs depending on the other party (i.e. webhook for a movement from a pot would be quite different from webhook for a faster payment).
The code below is a cut from a real working app in Rust and as you can see it is very different from one in the docs:
struct Data {
id: String,
created: String,
description: String,
amount: i64,
fees: Fees,
currency: String,
merchant: ::serde_json::Value,
notes: String,
metadata: Metadata,
labels: ::serde_json::Value,
account_balance: i64,
attachments: ::serde_json::Value,
international: ::serde_json::Value,
category: String,
categories: ::serde_json::Value,
is_load: bool,
settled: String,
local_amount: i64,
local_currency: String,
updated: String,
account_id: String,
user_id: String,
counterparty: Counterparty,
scheme: String,
dedupe_id: String,
originator: bool,
include_in_spending: bool,
can_be_excluded_from_breakdown: bool,
can_be_made_subscription: bool,
can_split_the_bill: bool,
can_add_to_tab: bool,
amount_is_pending: bool,
struct Fees {}
struct Metadata {
faster_payment: String,
fps_fpid: String,
fps_payment_id: String,
insertion: String,
notes: String,
trn: String,
struct Counterparty {
account_number: String,
name: String,
sort_code: String,
user_id: String,
On top of webhooks, a number of other response examples need updating as well. From what I could find, the following responses have been updated with 0 documentation on the docs site:
- Transaction
- Including the new virtual card object
- Transaction Merchant + address
- Counter Party
- Balance
- Pot
The webhook documentation is also missing endpoints which webhooks are coming from, adding this would be helpful for verifying incoming requests as genuine.