climate_indices copied to clipboard
Null values exist in some regions of the North
Describe the bug
When I use the average temperature to calculate potential evapotranspiration, there are nulls in some areas in the north, even though the average temperature does not have a null in that location
To Reproduce
temperature: Since the data dimension of the CRU is (time, lat, lon), I performed the following operation:
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import netCDF4 as nc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Original files downloaded from the website
file = xr.open_dataset('')
# Convert the data dimensions to ('lat', 'lon', 'time') and set the units to celsius (original units are degrees Celsius)
file['tmp'].attrs['units'] = 'celsius'
file['tmp'] = file['tmp'].transpose('lat', 'lon', 'time')
# visualization
tmp = xr.open_dataset('')['tmp']
plt.imshow(tmp[::-1, :, 10])
Currently it looks like there are no exception nulls in the red box
Next, we begin to calculate the pet
process_climate_indices --index pet --periodicity monthly --netcdf_temp --var_name_temp tmp --output_file_base out/ --multiprocessing all_but_one
When the calculation is complete, read the pet file and again randomly visualize the values for one day
# visualization of the pet
pet = xr.open_dataset('out/')['pet_thornthwaite']
plt.imshow(pet[::-1, :, 10])
Null values in the same places.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Win1064
- climate-indices:2.0.0
- numpy: 1.25.2
- xarray:2013.1.0
- matplotlib:3.8.3
- netCDF4:1.6.5
I notice the CRU lats are [-89.75 -89.25 -88.75 -88.25 ... 88.75 89.25 89.75],lons are [-179.8 -179.2 -178.8 -178.2 ... 178.8 179.2 179.8].I don't understand why there are null values here, could it have something to do with the way pet is calculated?