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A curated list of public available resources for the ocean mapping community
Awesome Hydrospatial
An awesome and curated list of applications, tools, and documentation aimed to "map" the publicly available resources for «all the blue of our blue planet, its continuous zones; the Hydrospatial Domain» & Ocean Mapping community.
This repository hosts a summary of the Free and Open Software for Ocean Mapping (FOSSOM) capabilities, which is the result of a research effort of Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina (Spain) in collaboration with UNH/CCOM (USA)
Contributions are welcome. Add links through pull requests or create an issue to start a discussion.

- Hydrospatial, the extension of Hydrography
Free and Open Software for Ocean Mapping (FOSSOM)
- Survey planning and preparations
- Data acquisition
Hydrographic data processing
- Specialized tools for multibeam backscatter processing
- Quality Control / Quality Assurance
- Geospatial analysis and generation of derived products
- Data management and dissemination
- Enhanced visualization
Coding scritps
- Python
- R programming language
- Scripts and tools in other languages
- Licenced but free tools
- Other interesting sites listing free resources
- Commercial hydrographic software
Other resources
- Reference documentation
- Hydrographic datasets online
- Magazines and journals
- Youtube and Vimeo channels
- Miscellanea
Hydrospatial, the extension of hydrography
Hydrospatial is a generic concept defining the vast global domain that includes all the blue of our blue planet and its contiguous zones for a sustainable blue economy.
Hydrography is one of many elements at the foundation of the term hydrospatial. These include all the Spatio-temporal physical, biological and chemical data, information and knowledge related to their position on or in the water: surface, column, depth, bottom and sub-bottom of the oceans, estuaries, rivers, lakes, the coastal zones, and the flooding areas. Safety and efficiency of navigation are part of hydrospatial amongst many other scientific, technical, social, environmental and economic activities.
Visit the Hydrospatial Movement Club & Community (HMCC) portal for news and updates in the form of a Storymap and join the HMCC Linkedin group
Free and Open Software for Ocean Mapping (FOSSOM)
FOSSOM is developed by institutions, researchers and enthusiasts, providing tools that may be used to optimize survey design, troubleshoot and resolve multibeam system performance issues, derive products, and enhance data visualization and dissemination.
Survey planning and preparations
CruiseTools. A QGIS plugin aimed to simplify and automate common tasks in multibeam surveys
MBES Planning Tool is simplified GUI based tool to calculate line spacing, coverage and time taken.
BathyGlobe GapFiller is a Windows tool designed to support planning for transit and area mapping, providing the latest versions of GEBCO bathymetry as context for planning. Gapfiller complements the online Bathyglobe, an interactive globe to highlight the ocean mapping activities within the Seabed 2030 project.
AMUST, A-priori Multibeam Uncertainty Simulation Tool, is a Windows desktop software to compute the vertical and horizontal uncertainties in different operational circumstances. It is based on the error analysis of Hare et al (Accuracy estimation of Canadian swath and sweep sounding system, Canadian Hydrographic Service, 1995)
SmartMap, Sea Mapper's Acoustic Ray Tracing Monitor and Planning, is an online app within the Hydroffice framework that provides tools to evaluate the impact of oceanographic temporal and spatial variability on hydrographic surveys.
VDatum is a free Java tool designed to vertically transform geospatial data among a variety of tidal, orthometric and ellipsoidal vertical datums, allowing users to convert their data from different horizontal/vertical references into a common system and enabling the fusion of diverse geospatial data in desired reference levels. VDatum covers U.S. coastal areas out to 25 nautical miles from land.
Data acquisition
- Sound Speed Manager is a Python-based tool within the Hydroffice framework that presents an intuitive, but feature-rich interface to guide the user through the processing steps required to deliver an enhanced sound speed profile to the acquisition system.
Hydrographic data processing
MB-system , is an open source software consisting of a set of programs to manipulate, process, list, or display bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars. MB-System is written in the C and C++ programming languages, and is delivered in packaged distributions for Linux and MacOS, as well as in the form of Docker containers. It can be run on Windows 10/11 machines by using the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature.
NEANIAS Bathymetry Mapping from Acoustic Data service (UW-BAT) is an online platform delivering an advanced user-friendly, cloud-based version of MB-System through Jupyter notebooks with additional functionalities.
GLOBE, GLobal Oceanographic Bathymetry Explorer, is a Java application for processing and displaying raw multibeam and oceanographic data within a 3D environment represented as a globe. Kongsberg "all" and "kmall" formats as well as Teledyne "sk7" can be processed in GLOBE, along with IFREMER/SHOM raw multibeam format. Processed data come into SONAR-netCDF4 open format.
OpenSideScan is a Windows software to visualize and manipulate sidescan sonar imagery files, investigate seabed features, and create underwater inventories. OpenSideScan is free and open source, with community support on GitHub, but also is commercialized in custom versions with extra features and commercial support.
Kluster is a Python-based software that provides a fully open source hydrographic processing package to produce accessible bathymetry and backscatter products in support of ocean mapping. Kluster runs either on a GUI and through command line, and provides a wide arrange of options for exporting processed data.
Sonar2MAT is a program that converts selected sonar files to MATLAB (.mat) data format to allow advanced data analysis and algorithm development. The convertor supports Reson (s7k), Kongsberg (.all, .wcd), Odom/Imagenex (.837, .83b and .83p), Generic Sensor Format (.gsf), Geoswath swamp and raw files (.swp, .rdf), MSTIFF (.mst) and eXtended Triton Format (.xtf).
CloudCompare, is a 3D point cloud processing software. It can also handle triangular meshes and calibrated images. Although is commonly used in laser scanner and LIDAR data processing and photogrammetry, it is being utilized used for high definition 3D structure reconstruction from multibeam data.
Specialized tools for multibeam backscatter processing
- SonarScope is a Matlab-based software providing a high-performance environment for the analysis of multibeam echosounders and side scan sonars. In addition SonarScope is a reference tool for the treatment of bottom reflectivity by Ifremer and other marine resarch organizations.
- Stormix is a set of tools within Hydroffice to reduce artifacts in acoustic backscatter data. It also allows displaying raw multibeam data. Currently Kongsberg "all" and "wcd" formats are supported.
- Iskaffe is an app to help assess the quality of the seafloor backscatter data acquired by multibeam echosounders. Iskaffe uses the CoFFee multibeam data processing toolbox. It is coded in MATLAB, but is also available as a standalone application that does not require a MATLAB licence. Currently Iskaffe support Kongsberg "all" and "kmall" formats.
- Neanias Seabed Classification from Multispectral, Multibeam Data (UW-MM) service delivers a user-friendly cloud-based solution integrating cutting-edge machine learning frameworks for mapping several seabed classes, validated for archeological, geo-hazards, energy, and other applications. Currently supporting R2Sonic multispectral multibeam echosunders.
Quality Control / Quality Assurance
- QC Tools, found within Hydroffice, assist in the review of various types of data occurring all throughout the ping-to-public process. Accepted data inputs are bathymetric grids, feature files, sounding selections, and directory structures. The output is GIS-layers that alert to the user various parts of their data that might require more attention.
- CA Tools, another component of the Hydroffice framework, assist in the assessment of the adequacy of nautical charts. Accepted data inputs are ENCs, bathymetric grids, and sounding selections. The output is GIS-layers that alert to the user various parts of their data that might require more attention
- QAX, coded in Python, facilitates quality assurance (QA) of multibeam echosounder data by standardising QA outputs and performing a robust QA. QAX integrates several tools, namely MATE, MBESGC and FinderGC. In a future release QAX will include QC tools Hydroffice
- Multibeam Advisory Committee Tools are a set of Python tools for evaluating multibeam system installation and performance during Sea Acceptance Trials or Quality Assessment Testing.The tools are intended to simplify the multibeam evaluation process with a more user-friendly and flexible interface. The MAC tools are mostly intended for Kongsberg MBES.
- CCOM MBES performance is an online tool for assessing theorical the performance of an MBES from a set of given parameters.
- Hydroffice is an open-source collaborative effort led by the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping to develop a research software environment with applications to facilitate all phases of the ping-to-chart process: facilitate data acquisition, automate and enhance data processing, and improve hydrographic products.
- Pydro is a suite of software tools used to support hydrography and cartography. It is (almost exclusively) built from open source components as well as public domain custom developed software. Pydro is maintained by the Hydrographic Systems and Technology Branch (HSTB) to support NOAA operations (aiding our survey fleet) and is now made available for public use. Hydroffice tools are included within Pydro.
- Pure File Magic is Area Based editor to view and edit hydro, bathy and topo data in 3D. PFMABE ingests most major sonar and lidar data types and allows for quick and easy analysis, cleaning and quality control.
Geospatial analysis and generation of derived products
QGIS is a a reference cross-platform desktop geographic information system (GIS) application that supports viewing, editing, printing, and analysis of geospatial data. The numerous community of users support QGIS. Plugins are developed by independent organizations and developers, providing QGIS additional functionalities.
Raster Attribute Table QGIS Plugin allows the user to display and edit Raster Attribute Tables (RATs) for discrete rasters using paletted/unique-values renderer. Useful for Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) in seafloor classication.
Whitebox Tools (WBT) is a package for geospatial analysis that can be embedded into other software in order to facilitate building other types of applications.WBT contains over 500 geospatial analysis tools.
GRASS GIS is a multiplatform GIS software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, producing graphics and maps, spatial and temporal modeling, and visualizing. It comes with a temporal framework for advanced time series processing and a Python API for rapid geospatial programming.
Data management and dissemination
OpenRVDAS, Open Research Vessel Data Acquisition System, is a software framework used for building custom data acquisition systems. OpenRVDAS target audiences are oceanographic research vessel operators and operators of other science-related platforms that have the need to record streaming data. OpenRVDAS is capable of reading data records from serial ports and network-aware sensors, optionally modifying those data records and streaming either the result to one or more destinations, including logfiles, network ports, databases, etc.
CruisePack is a data packaging and metadata gathering software tool to simplify submission of cruise-based data. CruisePack has a simple interface to control packager operation and metadata entry. Once the metadata entry is complete, data packaging is automatic. Although CruisePack is intended to comply with NCEI, it can be easily adapted for other organizations since it uses a SQLite database under the hood.
Enhanced visualization
- The CCOM Data Visualization and Interaction Tools, developed at the Visualization Laboratory, include VR Point Cloud Editor, Point Cloud Plugin for Unity, BAG Loader Unity Plugin, 3d Flight Unity Script and Coral Viz WebGl Viewer
- CesiumJS is a JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and 2D maps in a web browser without any plugins. It uses WebGL for hardware-accelerated graphics, and is cross-platform, cross-browser, and tuned for time-dynamic data visualization.
- TerriaJS is a library based on CesiumJS for building rich, web-based geospatial data explorers, used to drive Digital Earth Australia Map and NSW Spatial Digital Twin , among many any others. It falls back to 2D with Leaflet on systems that can't run CesiumJS.
- Qgis2threejs is a QGIS plugin to visualize DEM, vector data and point cloud data in 3D on web browsers. You can build various kinds of 3D objects and generate files for web publishing in simple procedure. In addition, you can save the 3D model in glTF format for 3DCG or 3D printing.
- Aerialod is a is a simple and interactive path tracer that allows 3D rendering from raster DEM.
Coding scripts
ausseabed/kmall is a fork of valschmidt/kmall by the Australian national seabed mapping coordination program (Ausseabed).
auvlib is a C++ and python library for reading AUV deployment data files and for processing and visualization of side scan and multibeam data.
Bathycube is a Python implementation of the CUBE module, Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator. It only contains the cube grid/node objects, the original library included other data structures that were not translated here.
CCOM-JHC common data readers is a repository for common multibeam data parsers and readers (all/kmall/s7k).
Control de Calidad is a Jupyter Notebook with code to help sounding validation implementing the triangulation algorithmn by Masetti et al, 2018.
cudem contains scripts and programs for use in generating and processing Digital Elevation Models.
echopype is a package built to enable interoperability and scalability in ocean sonar data processing. Currently supporting SIMRAD EK60 file format.
geospatial is a Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
gsfpy is the Python wrapper for the C implementation of the Generic Sensor Format library, developed at UKHO. Only for Linux.
IHO ENC tools. International Hydrographic Organization repository hosting Python tools to help implementing the new S10X standards.
Interactive-MBES-processing is a tool based on Python and Jupyter Notebook for interactive processing of Kongsberg MBES bathymetry and backscatter data.
merge svp is a command line utility for merging Sound Velocity Profiles into single file format supported by Teledyne CARIS.
NOAA OCS driver is a collection of Python file readers and supporting modules for hydrographic data access.
Ocean Data Science provides an introductory course to Python and Ocean Data Science in the form of Jupyter Notebooks.
OpenOceans helps you extract and analyze bathymetry from ICESat-2 lidar data.
pyAllConditioner is a python module to read and write a Kongsberg .ALL file making modifications along the way.
pyCascadia is implementation of GEBCO cookbook remove-restore and other cleaning of topography/bathymetry by using pyGMT.
PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making publication quality maps and figures. It provides a Pythonic interface for the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), a command-line program widely used in the Earth Sciences.
pyxtf is a python library for reading and writing eXtended Triton Format (XTF) files.
Sounding Selection is an script to improve label-based generalization of bathymetry data for hydrographic sounding selection.
survey2ssdm imports a hydrographic survey to an opensource geopackage using the SSDM 2.0 schema
valschmidt/kmall is a python reader for the Kongsberg KMALL file format.
verde is a Python library for processing spatial data (bathymetry, geophysics surveys, etc) and interpolating it on regular grids.
R programming language
- R package oceanmap provides advanced plot tools for spatial (satellite, bathymetric and topographic) data.
- Rayshader is an open source package for producing 2D and 3D data visualizations in R. rayshader uses elevation data in a base R matrix and a combination of raytracing, hillshading algorithms, and overlays to generate stunning 2D and 3D maps.
- MultiscaleDTM calculates multi-scale geomorphometric terrain attributes from regularly gridded DEM/bathymetry rasters.
Scripts and tools in other languages
MBES-lib is CIDCO multibean function library.
CoFFee is a free and open-source MATLAB library/toolbox for parsing, visualizing, and processing multibeam sonar data processing.
Grounds is a free and open-source app to visualize and analyze change between Digital Elevation Models (DEM), that is, bathymetric/topographic grids. Grounds uses the CoFFee multibeam data processing toolbox
potree deploy provides scripts and files to build a barebones deployment package with the Potree viewer for EPT point clouds. Quite helpful to visualize point clouds generated from Kluster in a web browser.
Patton's GRASS GIS and Geomatics Toolbox. This is a collection of GIS tools and bash scripts centered on using open source geomatics tools to solve various data formatting, visualization, and geoprocessing tasks in the context of seafloor swath bathymetry data processing.
Ausseabed processing-pipeline contains both the infrastructure-as-code and application for Ausseabed processing pipeline, including MBsystem, PDAL and CARIS scripts.
Pingo is a collection of code, tutorials and case studies for Marine Habitat Mapping, focused in backscatter analysis and machine learning techniques.
Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools is a free, open-source geoprocessing ArcGIS 10.x toolbox that can help you solve a wide variety of marine research, conservation, and spatial planning problems.
ArcGIS Code Sharing is an ESRI site to search, browse and use code, scripts , models and more.
Licenced but free tools
Geomapapp is a map-based application for browsing, visualizing and analyzing a diverse suite of curated global and regional geoscience data sets. These cover geophysics, geology, geochemistry, physical oceanography, climatology, and more.
Ocean Tools: Marine Science is an Android app to develop useful tools for use in the planning and development of oceanographic surveys. It is not about providing tools that perform large calculations or processing, but rather Ocean Tools is focused on algorithms to perform small calculations on a day-to-day basis during the planning and execution of oceanographic campaigns.
Mirone is a MATLAB-based framework tool that allows the display and manipulation of a large number of grid/images formats through its interface with the GDAL library. Its main purpose is to provide users with an easy-to-use graphical interface to manipulate GMT grids. Joaquim also provides MBsystem for Windows, a lighter version of MBsystem with no GUI apps.
CMST-GA MB Process is a proprietary backscatter data processing tool coded in Matlab and developed and used by Curtin University Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) and Geoscience Australia (GA) researchers to process Kongsberg and Reson MBES data.
Hydrobib is a freeware collection of survey utilities, meant to be used as a “knowledge database” for placing various information and “hydrographic tools” for classroom sonar/hydrography training etc.
DORIS displays and processes physical data (salinity, temperature, velocity) issued from sensors and/or databases. The generated sound velocity profiles can be exported either to a sonar system for real-time application or to a post-processing software suite.
Ocean Data View (ODV) is a software package for the interactive exploration, analysis and visualization of oceanographic and other geo-referenced profile, time-series, trajectory or sequence data.
WebTide is a modelling tool to predict tides in Canada’s Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific oceans. WebTide Global Data provides tide prediction in a global scale
Geoscience Australia Seabed Morphology Mapping Tools (GA-SaMMT) are a ArcGIS Pro Python toolbox using Python 3+ to map 10 bathymetric high and eight bathymetric low features according to the definitions of Dove et al. (2020).
Benthic Terrain Modeler is an ARGIS 10.X toolboxto classify the benthic environment using bathymetric data. Users can create grids of bathymetric position index (BPI) and standardized BPIs, slope, and terrain ruggedness. Additionally, two terrain classification tools can create zone and structure classifications for defining the relationships between them.
Relief Visualization Toolbox is developed to help scientist visualize raster elevation model datasets. We narrowed down the selection to include techniques that have proven to be effective for identification of small scale features.
Other interesting sites listing free resources
- OSHydro. The Open Source Hydro (OSHydro) is an initiative foster collaboration and open source software development within the hydrographic surveying and ocean mapping community.
- FOSS for Hydrographic Programmers provides a list of libraries useful for hydrographic data processing
- qa4mbes-software-list provides a list of Bathymetry Survey Software Tools
- Awesome Geospatial is a long list of geospatial analysis tools. Geospatial analysis, or just spatial analysis, is an approach to applying statistical analysis and other analytic techniques to data which has a geographical or spatial aspect.
Commercial hydrographic software
- QPS provides software for the whole hydrographic workflow , from data collection to piloting, namely Qinsy,Qimera, Fledermaus, Qarto or Qastor.
- EIVA Navisuite is EIVA´s hydrographic suite that comprehends a wide array of solutions, from sensor setup (NaviPac), data collection (NaviScan), editing (Naviedit) or processing (NaviModel) as well as speficic QC/CA and automation tools
- Teledyne CARIS is a producer of hydrographic software for the "ping to chart" workflow, such as HIPS and SIPS, Bathy DataBase, HPD, Onboard360 or CARIS Mira AI, among other.
- Teledyne PDS is a multipurpose software platform and supports a wide range of tasks within Hydrography, Dredge Guidance, Construction Support, Search & Recovery Operations and Port Entrance Monitoring.
- Beamworx is a software engineering and consultancy company focused on the Hydrographic Surveying and Offshore market. The Beamworx suite specializes in the acquisition, processing and integration of single- and multibeam echosounder data.
- Hypack is a provider of hydrographic and dredging software worldwide, supporting over 400 different sensors and devices.
- Echoview software provides advanced hydroacoustic data processing software for fisheries scientists and environmental managers.
Other resources
Reference documentation
- International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) publications.
- GeoHab, (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping) provides guidelines for multibeam backscatter and water column data processing.
- IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book is a technical reference manual on how to build bathymetric grids.
- NOAA OCS publications. The Hydrographic Surveys Specifications and Deliverables (HSSD) details the requirements for hydrographic surveys undertaken either by NOAA field units or by organizations under contract to the NOAA Office of Coast Survey. The Field Procedures Manual (FPM) provides best practices and standard operating procedures for field units conducting, processing, and generating hydrographic survey deliverables.
- Australian Multibeam Guidelines provide recommended procedures for survey planning, data acquisition and submission. They are designed for a range of audiences, from those experienced in seafloor mapping using multibeam sonar systems, non-experts who are developing mapping capabilities, and those contracting seafloor mapping surveys using swath systems.
- Canadian Hydrographic Survey Management Guidelines . The CHS Standards for Hydrographic Surveys is the document that specifies the requirements for hydrographic surveys in order that hydrographic data is collected according to specific standards. This document quantifies the accuracies required, depending on the use of the data.
- NOAA Center for Ocean Mapping and Innovative Technologies (COMIT) provides links to a handful of helpful documents and websites that help to guide COMIT activities and priorities.
- IOGP standards. Publications and requirements of the International Association of Oil&Gas Producers.
- MAC tech resources contains cookbooks, references and tools aiming at improving the operational use of multibeam cross the U.S. Academic Research Fleet.
- Florida Marina Data Hub hosts reference hydrographic documentation and provides quarterly newsletters.
- Kongsberg KMALL datagram description. Latest version made public.
- SONAR-netCDF4 convention for sonar data.
- FAU format description. The FAU (FArvandsvæsenets UTM) is a hydrographic binary file format developed and maintained by Danish Geodata Agency with contributions from several hydrographic stakeholders.
Hydrographic datasets online
- Canadian Hydrographic Service Non-Navigational (NONNA) Bathymetric Data offers a complete inventory of bathymetric data free to the general public for non-navigational use. The product is available in a spatial resolution of 10 metres or 100 metres.
- EMODnet-Bathymetry. This service provides bathymetric data products for the European sea regions in an area specified by the EMODnet project. The data product is provided in one sixteenth arc minute grid, so data points are roughly 115 meters apart.
- GEBCO bathymetry , the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans 2022 Grid is a global terrain model for ocean and land, providing elevation data, in meters, on a 15 arc-second interval grid. It is accompanied by a Type Identifier (TID) Grid that gives information on the types of source data that the GEBCO_2022 Grid is based on.
- Global Multi-Resolution Topography (GMRT) is a multi-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Most curatorial effort for GMRT is focused on cleaning and processing ship-based multibeam sonar data acquired by the US Academic Research Fleet (ARF) so they can be gridded at their full spatial resolution (~100m in the deep sea).
- IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry contains oceanic soundings acquired by hydrographic, oceanographic and other vessels during surveys or while on passage. Data are publically available and used for the production of improved and more comprehensive bathymetric maps and grids, particularly in support of the GEBCO Ocean Mapping Programme.
- International Bathymetic Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) is the authoritative map of the Southern Ocean with the largest database of depth measurements. With billions of soundings contributed by organisations across the globe. IBCSO is a regional mapping initiative of GEBCO.
- NCEI Seafloor Mapping Tools. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) provides depth data acquired by hydrographic, oceanographic, and industry vessels and platforms during surveys or while on passage. These data, which are used in several national and international mapping bathymetry projects, are free to the public with no restrictions.
- NOAA Water-Column Sonar Data Archive hosts water-column sonar data archived at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.
- TPXO Web Service provides tide forecast/backcast at any location/time using latest version of the global barotropic model TPXO9-atlas
Magazines, journals and blogs.
- The International Hydrographic Review is an international journal by IHO publishing original works on all aspects of hydrography and associated subjects, ranging from the latest technical developments to history
- Hydro International Magazine is a magazine focusing on hydrography, seeking and publishing the opinion of leading hydrographers on the state of the market, technical issues and national and international policies.
- Hydrographische Nachrichten is the German for "Journal of Applied Hydrography". Many articles are published in English.
- The Journal of Ocean Technology is a scientific periodical published by the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Its mission is to expand global knowledge and understanding of ocean technologies, to serve as the medium for publishing world-leading research, and to promote innovation that contributes to responsible ocean utilization and management.
- CCOM-JHC repository. Publications by researchers at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping - Joint Hydrographic Center.
- The Ocean Mapping Group (OMG) of the University of New Brunswick (Canada) publications and presentations list.
- Marine Geodesy is an online publication aimed at research on marine and coastal environments; surveys, mapping and boundaries; bathymetry; remote sensing; navigation; plate tectonics; instrumentation and GIS.
- GO-SHIP is the International Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program
- ON&T Magazine Ocean News & Technology is a publication of TSC Strategic.
- News about high resolution seabed mapping
- UT-2, Underwater Technology-2, is an online magazine about subsea equipment and underwater robotics.
Video sharing and podcasting.
- Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center presentations and seminars videos on Vimeo
- The Hydrographic Society UK & Ireland presentations on Youtube
- The Hydrographic Society in Scotland videos and webinars on Youtube.
- Norwegian forum for Offshore Survey and Positioning, NOSP, uploads frequents presentations on seabed mapping news.
- COMIT | Center for Ocean Mapping & Innovative Tech webinars on Youtube.
- Teledyne Geospatial - CARIS software. Youtube videos supporting the CARIS hydrographic suite.
- Teledyne Marine videos of their products.
- Kongsberg Maritime Youtube channel.
- Hypack Youtube channel with support videos.
- Seabed 2030 South and West Pacific Regional Data Centre YT channel.
- Hydrographic Surveyor Youtube channel contains numerous videos on hydrographic theory and practice in Indonesian language.
- 5 Minutes Modules is a Youtube channel covering all kind of difficult concepts in Hydrography in a way that is easy to understand.
- Mapscaping is a weekly podcast featuring interesting people doing amazing work in the geospatial world, ocean mapping included.
- OpenCTD is a low-cost, open-source CTD for researchers and citizen scientists.
- The FOSSOM research work study the capabilities of free and open-source tools for use in ocean mapping, offshore and at the office, as a complement to commercial software.