adaptive_dialog copied to clipboard
Alert message error
I was in this library but it does not show messages content I was pased the params as well
Future<OkCancelResult> showOkCancelAlertDialog({ String? title,String? message, String? okLabel,
String? cancelLabel,
OkCancelAlertDefaultType? defaultType,
bool isDestructiveAction = false,
bool barrierDismissible = true,
@Deprecated('Use style
instead.') AdaptiveStyle? alertStyle,
AdaptiveStyle? style,
@Deprecated('Use ios
instead. Will be removed in v2.')
bool useActionSheetForCupertino = false,
bool useActionSheetForIOS = false,
bool useRootNavigator = true,
VerticalDirection actionsOverflowDirection = VerticalDirection.up,
bool fullyCapitalizedForMaterial = true,
WillPopCallback? onWillPop,
AdaptiveDialogBuilder? builder,
}) async {
final theme = Theme.of(Get.context!);
final adaptiveStyle = style ?? AdaptiveDialog.instance.defaultStyle;
final isMaterial = adaptiveStyle.isMaterial(theme);
String defaultCancelLabel() {
final label = MaterialLocalizations.of(Get.context!).cancelButtonLabel;
// return isMaterial ? label : label.capitalizedForce;
return label;
final result = await showAlertDialog<OkCancelResult>(
context: Get.context!,
title: title,
message: message,
barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
style: alertStyle ?? style,
useActionSheetForIOS: useActionSheetForCupertino || useActionSheetForIOS,
useRootNavigator: useRootNavigator,
actionsOverflowDirection: actionsOverflowDirection,
fullyCapitalizedForMaterial: fullyCapitalizedForMaterial,
onWillPop: onWillPop,
builder: builder,
actions: [
label: cancelLabel ?? defaultCancelLabel(),
key: OkCancelResult.cancel,
isDefaultAction: defaultType == OkCancelAlertDefaultType.cancel,
label: okLabel ?? MaterialLocalizations.of(Get.context!).okButtonLabel,
key: OkCancelResult.ok,
defaultType == null || defaultType == OkCancelAlertDefaultType.ok,
isDestructiveAction: isDestructiveAction,
return result ?? OkCancelResult.cancel;
showOkCancelAlertDialog(title: "Test",message: "Test")
Please paste full main.dart