Embeddinator-4000 copied to clipboard
[ObjC] Embedding a library using PHAsset etc causes dupes for Mac
Note: using latest beta of Visual Studio for Mac
Example segment of header created...
@class PHObject;
@class PHAsset;
@class PHFetchOptions;
@class PHFetchResult;
@class PHImageManager;
@class PHImageRequestOptions;
@interface PHObject : NSObject {
-(NSObject *) copyWithZone:(id)p0;
@interface PHAsset : PHObject {
@interface PHFetchOptions : NSObject {
-(NSObject *) copyWithZone:(id)p0;
-(id) init;
@interface PHFetchResult : NSObject {
-(NSObject *) copyWithZone:(id)p0;
-(NSObject *) objectAtIndex:(NSInteger)p0;
@interface PHImageManager : NSObject {
-(int) requestImageForAsset:(id)p0 targetSize:(CGSize)p1 contentMode:(NSInteger)p2 options:(id)p3 resultHandler:(id)p4;
@interface PHImageRequestOptions : NSObject {
-(NSObject *) copyWithZone:(id)p0;
-(id) init;
From a method like...
public override void ViewDidLoad()
InfoTextField.StringValue = ProjectAssets.SharedInstance().GetAssets().Count().ToString();
var identifiers = ProjectAssets.SharedInstance().GetAssets();
if (identifiers.Length > 0)
var options = new PHFetchOptions();
var fetchResult = PHAsset.FetchAssetsUsingLocalIdentifiers(identifiers, options);
PHAsset asset = (PHAsset)fetchResult.ObjectAt(0);
PHImageRequestOptions options2 = new PHImageRequestOptions();
PHImageManager.DefaultManager.RequestImageForAsset(asset, new CoreGraphics.CGSize(500, 500), PHImageContentMode.AspectFill, options2, (NSImage result, NSDictionary info) =>
TestImageView.Image = result;
Xcode reports duplicate definitions of each of the
PHObject; PHAsset; PHFetchOptions; PHFetchResult; PHImageManager; PHImageRequestOptions;
@tritao is there any way I can update Embeddinator to not do above?
In your c# project, are you defining classes called PHObject?
Without seeing more, it is difficult to understand what is going on.
Could you attach a project showing the issue?
@chamons I've created a Xamarin test solution "PNI.Mobile.sln" that creates and copies an embedded framework to an Xcode project. "PNIPhotoProjectDemo.xcodeproj"
if you run both in sequence you should see problem mentioned above...
As to your question, the .Net library uses "using Photos;" with appropriate code and the Xcode project also uses "#import <Photos/Photos.h>", I am not myself defining any class names like PHObject...
the problem lies in fact that the header created in framework contains the duplicate interfaces...
e.g. @interface PHObject : NSObject { } -(NSObject *) copyWithZone:(id)p0; @end
which conflicts with the "#import <Photos/Photos.h>" used
@chamons have you been able to look into why this happens? For now as a work around I’m using sed to remove chunks of code from header.
@equinox2k - No, I have no yet. It's currently bucketed for after a potential .4 release.
I'm glad you have a work around right currently.