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What is the use of SetupVTables() method generated for each class during C++ conversion to C#. What does protected void[] __OriginalVTables; private static void[] _Thunks; private static void*[] __ManagedVTables; store
Those members provide the machinery necessary to allow overriding the C++ virtual methods from C#.
They store the original virtual tables setup by C++, which we then manipulate to contain pointers to the thunks created by the .NET runtime that provide the transitions between the native and managed world.
Thanks, I want to understand more. Here SetObject and SetObject1 are virtual methods in unmanaged world. __OriginalVTables stores vtable pointer, right? What is the use of _SetObjectDelegateHook and _SetObject1DelegateHook . There are never invoked as per what i found while debugging
private void SetupVTables(bool destructorOnly = false)
if (__OriginalVTables != null)
__OriginalVTables = new void*[] { *(void**) (__Instance + 0) };
if (destructorOnly)
if (_Thunks == null)
_Thunks = new void*[2];
_SetObjectDelegateInstance += _SetObjectDelegateHook;
_Thunks[0] = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_SetObjectDelegateInstance).ToPointer();
_SetObject1DelegateInstance += _SetObject1DelegateHook;
_Thunks[1] = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_SetObject1DelegateInstance).ToPointer();
if (__ManagedVTables == null)
__ManagedVTables = new void*[1];
var vfptr0 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2 * 4);
__ManagedVTables[0] = vfptr0.ToPointer();
*(void**) (vfptr0 + 0) = _Thunks[0];
*(void**) (vfptr0 + 4) = _Thunks[1];
*(void**) (__Instance + 0) = __ManagedVTables[0];