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2-dimensional arrays inside structs not generated properly
Brief Description
I noticed that the binding code for my 2-dimensional array used to represent a matrix is not correctly generated.
So my question is : Do you support multidimensional arrays ?
Here's a small code to illustrate the problem
Thank you in advance
OS: Windows, binaries compiled for amd64
Used headers
__declspec(dllexport) struct matrix3x3{
float matrix[3][3];
Used settings
Exactly the same as the official tutorial
Target: MSVC
Generated code
(No accessors for my matrix)
namespace MatrixIssue
public unsafe partial class Matrix3x3 : IDisposable
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 36)]
public partial struct __Internal
internal fixed float matrix[9];
[DllImport("MatrixIssue", CallingConvention = global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.Cdecl,
internal static extern global::System.IntPtr cctor(global::System.IntPtr __instance, global::System.IntPtr _0);
public global::System.IntPtr __Instance { get; protected set; }
protected int __PointerAdjustment;
internal static readonly global::System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<IntPtr, global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3> NativeToManagedMap = new global::System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<IntPtr, global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3>();
protected internal void*[] __OriginalVTables;
protected bool __ownsNativeInstance;
internal static global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3 __CreateInstance(global::System.IntPtr native, bool skipVTables = false)
return new global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3(native.ToPointer(), skipVTables);
internal static global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3 __CreateInstance(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal native, bool skipVTables = false)
return new global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3(native, skipVTables);
private static void* __CopyValue(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal native)
var ret = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal));
*(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal*) ret = native;
return ret.ToPointer();
private Matrix3x3(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal native, bool skipVTables = false)
: this(__CopyValue(native), skipVTables)
__ownsNativeInstance = true;
NativeToManagedMap[__Instance] = this;
protected Matrix3x3(void* native, bool skipVTables = false)
if (native == null)
__Instance = new global::System.IntPtr(native);
public Matrix3x3()
__Instance = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal));
__ownsNativeInstance = true;
NativeToManagedMap[__Instance] = this;
public Matrix3x3(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3 _0)
__Instance = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal));
__ownsNativeInstance = true;
NativeToManagedMap[__Instance] = this;
*((global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal*) __Instance) = *((global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3.__Internal*) _0.__Instance);
public void Dispose()
Dispose(disposing: true);
public virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (__Instance == IntPtr.Zero)
global::MatrixIssue.Matrix3x3 __dummy;
NativeToManagedMap.TryRemove(__Instance, out __dummy);
if (__ownsNativeInstance)
__Instance = IntPtr.Zero;
Guess we're skipping generation of these.
Some thought needs to be done for the best way to interop these.
How would you like the accessor to look like?
C# has multi-dimensional arrays, but I guess we'd have to do a deep copy for each access.
So I think it might be best if we generate a multi-dimensional indexer. Something along the lines of:
public int this[int index1, int index2]
return data[index1, index2];
data[index1, index2] = value;
With the necessary marshaling code of course.
Would you be able to help implement this @zghonda?
Seems like it would be relatively easy to add.
cc @ddobrev
@tritao your suggestion definitely is the solution. @zghonda our free time is limited, however, so I cannot promise you any deadline. Alternatively you could try yourself or contact our support.
My apologies for the late answer.
We found a workaround for the problem, Unfortunately my free time is also limited but I'll let you know when I'm ready to help and return the favor.
Thank you anyway,
@tritao Hi, just a friendly inquiry. During the code generation, we also noticed this bug. Is there already a plan from your side on whether this bug will be fixed and if so, when? For us, this is an important functionality.
Thanks in advance
At the moment I don't have any plan to personally fix this, there are other more critical bugs to fix with the limited time.
@XzuluX Any chance you can take a look?
@tritao Perhaps I will have some time in a few weeks to take a look at it ...