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Xferspdy provides binary diff and patch library in golang. [Mentioned in Awesome Go, https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go]
This library provides binary diff and patch API in golang.
Supported today:
- Command line utilities to diff and patch binary files
- Library for fingerprint generation, rolling hash and block matching
- NEW : For large files, fingerprint generation automatically switches to parallel mode wherein multiple go routines are used concurrently. For files > 20 MB, there is an improvement of ~50% compared to sequential fingerprint generation.
Reference : [Rsync Algorithm] (https://rsync.samba.org/tech_report/node2.html)
Need to have go installed, [golang downloads] (https://golang.org/dl/)
Do go get
`go get github.com/monmohan/xferspdy`
Install the command line utilities
go install ./...
from the xferspdy directory
Using the API
See GoDoc. The docs also contain an example usage of the API.
Using the fpgen, diff and patch CLI utilities:
The library also provides CLI wrappers on API.
You can see the usage of any of these commands using
$ GOPATH/bin/<command> --help
Lets say you have a binary file (e.g. power point presentation MyPrezVersion1.pptx).
First generate a fingerprint of version 1
$ GOPATH/bin/fpgen -file <path>/MyPrezVersion1.pptx
This will generate the fingerprint file
/MyPrezVersion1.pptx.fingerprint . -
Lets say that the file was changed now (for example add a slide or image) and saved as MyPrezVersion2.pptx
Now Generate a diff (doesn't require original file)
$ GOPATH/bin/diff -fingerprint <path>/MyPrezVersion1.pptx.fingerprint -file <path>/MyPrezVersion2.pptx
It will create a patch file <path>/MyPrezVersion2.pptx.patch
Now patch the Version 1 file to get the Version 2
$ GOPATH/bin/patch -patch <path>/MyPrezVersion2.pptx.patch -base <path>/MyPrezVersion1.pptx
This will generate
/Patched_MyPrezVersion1.pptx . This file would exactly be same as MyPrezVersion2.pptx.
NOTE: diff and patch are also common utilities present on most distributions so its better to give explicit path to these binaries. for example use $GOPATH/bin/diff and $GOPATH/bin/patch