socialite copied to clipboard
Problems running the project
Got this trace and cant make sense out of it:
INFO [2024-03-08 18:14:03,274] com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceManager: Initializing configured services
INFO [2024-03-08 18:14:03,335] org.reflections.Reflections: Reflections took 50 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 41 keys and 90 values
Exception in thread "main" FAILED_TO_LOAD_SERVICE
serviceName : DefaultUserService
ServiceClass : DefaultUserService
at com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceFactory.getServiceImplByName(
at com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceFactory.createService(
at com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceFactory.createAndRegisterService(
at com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceManager.