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Unofficial technical documentation for Monero cryptocurrency

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Fixed typo 'mainnnet' -> 'mainnet'.

I [looked at this page]( and couldn't find many of the commands that are listed via the `help` RPC command. These include (I didn't test everything, because there were just...

--proxy with good description. --rpc-payment commands with descriptions straight from command line. Change title of Monero network for clarity that it's for picking which blockchain to use.

The info [here]( about "white" and "grey" peers is incorrect according to the info in [this]( thread. Apparently, "white" peers are any peers that your node has completed a handshake...

I can not reach, so I started to host a mirror of this repo under [](

This repository should be archived, and new contributors should be pointed to

Removed trailing spaces and single trailing 'u'