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Exploring Trustless zk-SNARKs for Monero's payment protocol
The goal of this meta issue is to build a go-to place for links, information, and opportunities for building trustless zk-SNARKs as a potential future protocol building-block for Monero.
Disclaimer: I am not a cryptographer or a dev, so please provide corrections and context if I have missed key details here. I am merely seeking to pull people together who are, provide resources, and ensure we take as close of a look as necessary at zk-SNARKs as a potential upgrade for Monero in the future.
Why zk-SNARKs?
Monero has iterated over the years to continue in leading the way in building out a cryptocurrency that puts user's privacy and security above all else. The Monero community has done this through finding the gaps and flaws in the protocol, watching external projects and researchers work, and implementing both internal and external developments over time to improve the holistic privacy provided to every user of the Monero network.
The weakest aspects of Monero's current approach to privacy is that of ring signatures, the approach that is taken to hide the true spend in each transaction among a set of potential signing inputs. These ring signatures have been an excellent tool for Monero so far, allowing us to build stable, efficient, and trustless privacy into each transaction, and are greatly strengthened by the added privacy of one-time addresses and confidential amounts.
While these three building blocks provide strong privacy today and show no signs of causing broad issues, they have noted weaknesses, especially for targeted threat models or those where multiple entities collude to form a transaction graph via EAE attacks or similar. This key weakness, combined with the ability to build probabilistic transaction graphs with off-chain data, should push us to keep seeking how we can mitigate the issue entirely.
The proposed Seraphis protocol allows us to greatly reduce the chances of successful probabilistic tracing, but is not necessarily a complete solution for targeted attacks or those aided by off-chain metadata. I do not want to prevent the further exploration of Seraphis with this effort, and a migration to Seraphis could even simplify a potential future migration to zk-SNARKs thanks to the modularity of Seraphis approach to the payment protocol.
zk-SNARKs allow us to move from obfuscating the true spend to truly hiding it, a large step forward in preventing even targeted attacks from building a transaction graph, while doing so in a way that remains trustless and efficient.
While it is outside of the scope of this issue, zk-SNARKs can also be used to build out much more advanced protocol features such as colored coins, smart contracts, etc. like currently being built out by DarkFi. This flexibility can pave the way for greater use-cases being built out on Monero in the future, and could be an extremely useful building block.
Why now?
With the advent of trustless and relatively efficient zk-SNARKs via advances like PLONK and implementations of it like Halo 2, zk-SNARKS are finally at a state where we can truly explore what an implementation of them in Monero's broader transaction protocol would look like, the implications it would have, the leg-work required, etc.
While Seraphis will bring much greater per-transaction graph obfuscation, it still provides some attack vectors for targeted attacks. As such, we should keep looking to the future and find ways that we can continue improving the Monero protocol over time.
Proposed efforts
While I know this is a major shift in the approach Monero has taken to output hiding in the past, there are some unique opportunities available to us today thanks to the wealth of effort being poured into zk-SNARKs across the cryptocurrency and privacy ecosystem today.
- Amir Taaki (@narodnik) of has offered to contribute whatever education/bootcamping is necessary to get Monero developers up to speed on implementing zk-SNARKs in a payment protocol
- Amir's estimate is ~2wks of full-time bootcamping to get up to speed and implement a PoC in a simple language
- I would love to see developers that are familiar with cryptography/math jump in on this and will help in crafting a CCS proposal for funding if necessary
- If necessary, I will organize a meeting of the MRL to discuss the viability of zk-SNARKs in the Monero protocol
- I will write up a blog post further outlining in laymen's terms why exploring zk-SNARKs as a replacement for ring-signatures (and likely confidential amounts) is an interesting and worthwhile topic to explore for the community (can publish on my own blog or if suitable)
- Collect feedback on ways that a migration to zk-SNARKs would effect current ecosystem participants, atomic swaps development, etc.
Open research questions
There are many open questions that we would need to (or should) answer in the process of exploring what an implementation of trustless zk-SNARKs would look like in Monero. If you want to take on one of these open questions, please open a new issue/gist and provide the link so I can update it here.
- Can zk-SNARKs offer improvements to specific functions in the Monero payments protocol, i.e. just membership proofs?
- Being investigated by @UkoeHB and @kayabaNerve
- What are the practical implications to user privacy with ring-signatures vs a zk-SNARK approach to input hiding?
- What attacks or flaws in ring-signatures are mitigated by zk-SNARKs?
- What new attacks or flaws are created by zk-SNARKs?
- What would the potential transaction size, generation, and verification times look like for a Halo 2-like payment system in Monero?
- How would transaction verification be affected by batching? How about multithreading?
- Can mobile devices easily and quickly generate transactions?
- Can existing hardware wallets (Trezor/Ledger) support a zk-SNARK system for Monero?
- What is the quantum-resistance offered by zk-SNARKs as opposed to ring signatures + RingCT?
- What effects would a migration to zk-SNARKs have on atomic swaps with Bitcoin and Ethereum?
- What advantage or disadvantage would the elliptic curves used in a zk-SNARK implementation have on interoperability between Monero and other networks/chains?
- What functionality extensions can zk-SNARKs bring to Monero's base layer?
- Layer-two networks?
- Smart contracts?
- Colored coins?
Extra notes
- We do not need to leverage any of Zcash's existing code for this, and can (and should!) explore a from-scratch implementation in C++ that better fits our broader payment protocol
- I hope that we can see past the "Monero v Zcash" ongoing drama and approach this from a research and technology perspective, especially as much of the technology and research here was invented or improved upon by researchers and developers entirely outside of the Zcash space
- zk-SNARKs have a lot of weight behind them in the privacy space, layer-two developments space, Zcash space, and other places, making them a great option to explore as we can benefit greatly from the broad academic and development work ongoing around the concept of trustless zk-SNARKs
Helpful links
Educational resources and explainers
- Awesome zero knowledge proofs resource list
- Awesome zero knowledge proofs resource list - SNARKs
- Awesome zero knowledge proofs resource list - SNORKs
- Awesome PLONK resource list
- Sapling payment scheme (mint/burn) - DarkFi
- Halo 2 book - Zcash
Existing implementations and code examples
- PLONK implementation in C++ - Aztec
- Halo 2 implemenation in Python/Sage - DarkFi
- Bulletproofs implementation in Python/Sage - DarkFi
- Mint contract (circuit) in Rust - DarkFi
- Burn contract (circuit) in Rust - DarkFi
- Halo 2 Rust crate - Zcash
P.S. -- if you come across helpful research that could be applicable to zk-SNARKs in Monero, please consider submitting it for inclusion on
Hey man, blink if you've been compromised by any 3 letter agencies.
Hey man, blink if you've been compromised by any 3 letter agencies.
Exploring broadly used and researched tech has nothing to do with any 3 letter agencies. Take your spam elsewhere, please, this is supposed to be a place for on-topic discussion into research topics, not pointless harassment.
The topic of zero-knowledge proofs (and zk-SNARKs) is much broader than Zcash, so don't let your animosity (for good or bad reasons) towards them cloud your judgement on the broader technology.
Hey, so I wrote the first implementations of coinjoin and stealth addresses, and implementations of all the major anon algos: ring sigs, mimblewimble, lelantus, bulletproofs, and the major zk algos: groth16, sonic, plonk, halo1, halo2, ... and a ton of experiments.
I did a ton of optimization on ring sigs, and got 100k keys verification down to a few secs, but that still isn't good enough since the glowies can put in fake duds to compromise the anon set. Lelantus/jens groth 1 out of n proofs are decent, but Zk is the best. Verification is only a few ms, and the anonymity set is practically infinite (2^32).
For your implementation, you don't need orchard since you should write your own zk contracts (called "circuits"), which is trivial enough to do. If halo2 being in rust is a problem, then you should look at aztec's plonk implementation which is in C++.
ZK proofs are two parts:
- Arithmetization which is turning your contract into a mathematical arithmetic operators add and multiply. This part is relatively simple and straightforward to grasp.
- Polynomial commitment proof, which is given a commitment
A = commit(a(x))
to a polynomial, you can make a proofpi = prove(A, s, a(x))
which then a verifier can prove thatz = a(s)
like this:verify(pi, A, s, z)
which doesn't reveala(x)
halo2 = plonk arithmetization + bulletproofs polynomial commitment proof
So basically Monero already contains the core component of zk-snarks (which is used for rangeproofs).
For the arithmetization, we can talk to aztec. Ariel Gabizon invented plonk which is actually what halo2 is really, the zcash team replaced the polynomial commitments with bulletproofs instead of the KZG scheme which has a trusted setup. Happy to make that intro. Their plonk implementation is in C++ iirc.
From our side, we're happy to work with a team of focused Monero devs to step them through the algo and get them up to speed, and then follow their development doing code reviews and offering feedback. We have several devs in our team writing zk contracts and who are familiar with zk algos.
Monero is the backbone of the crypto minecraft markets, and our community deserves the very best. Self defense of the people is crucial in this coming dawn of the new era.
On top of this, I've written a VM and a language + compiler for prototyping ZK circuits/contracts with Halo2:
And indeed, we're happy to help with advice and guidance if there is proper focus and commitment.
Thanks for the comments and details, @narodnik, demistifying the approaches taken in something like Halo 2 is extremely helpful. Very grateful for the offer of help and the quick input, and am hopeful this exploration can be meaningful and lead to a potential future implementation for Monero.
I've also tracked down and added the link to the Aztec PLONK implementation in C++ to the Helpful Links section.
I did a ton of optimization on ring sigs, and got 100k keys verification down to a few secs, but that still isn't good enough since the glowies can put in fake duds to compromise the anon set. Lelantus/jens groth 1 out of n proofs are decent, but Zk is the best. Verification is only a few ms, and the anonymity set is practically infinite (2^32). @narodnik
Am I reading this correctly, and you know how to implement a membership proof ('ring sig') with Zk (a Halo2 circuit)? I already have a full transaction protocol (Seraphis) that just wants a better membership proof (ideally one that can just plug-and-play with the rest of the protocol, even if a different underlying curve than ed25519 is required). My confusions with this Halo2 stuff are whether anyone actually knows how to make a membership proof with it, what the design of that circuit would look like (some kind of oblivious Merkle or Verkle proof?), and what requirements it would impose on the surrounding protocol (curves, ways of building points, prerequisites to build and verify proofs, etc.).
Zcash's circuits are Merkle tree based, from my understanding. Instead of key images, you specify nullifier hashes, and the ZK proof says it's some member of the merkle tree (whose root hash is referred to as the anchor) which is appended to with each output.
Regarding Seraphis, it's important to note an isolated ZK proof for membership would be incredibly inefficient. You'd want one proof for both membership and validity. It'd effectively be two BPs to have it as an isolated proof when they'd be mergeable to just one.
I'd be personally interested in shadowing these discussions.
To clarify, a Seraphis membership proof needs to say the following:
- we have a vector of points
V = {Q_1, Q_2, ... Q_n}
- I have a commitment
Q' = xG + Q_l
for somel
- the membership proof shows that
is a commitment to a member ofV
but doesn't show which one - after the membership proof is done, I can do whatever normal EC ops with
that I want (ideally, in ed25519)
After discussing with @kayabaNerve, the above proof seems possible with existing techniques (it is the simplest possible zk proof that we could use). Stuff like recursive proofs, nullifier hashes, etc... don't really get me excited. Batch verification would get me excited (specifically batching with BP+ proofs - can we share generators? please yes please). Combining range proofs with the membership proofs in one zk proof is an interesting idea iff the efficiency gains are well understood and non-trivial. Combining them is not necessary, and could easily be rolled out in an update after the one that implements the simple membership proof (if deemed worthwhile).
I did agree to put forth a demo of the above in Rust when I have the time, based on discussions on Matrix. That isn't a pivot within Seraphis, to either ZK-SNARKS nor Rust, yet it's a comment on potential API/flow/performance. I may use either Dalek's Bulletproofs (which would likely be the easiest to move from a PoC to something actually in C++ in Monero, guaranteeing ed25519 and batch verification) or Halo 2, or another PLONK system, and have yet to decide.
Aha so Seraphis is based off of Jens Groth 1 out of N commitment to 0? That's also a solid anonymity scheme.
Yes, we have the membership proofs working. They are quite easy to do. You provide the pathway in a merkle tree then inside the zk proof, you do:
current = X
for i in range(32):
left = current
right, is_right = merkle_path[i]
# since is_right is a bool, you can do this:
# is_right * left + (1 - is_right) * right
# is_right * right + (1 - is_right) * left
left, right = if is_right { left, right } else { right, left }
current = hash(left, right)
The basic ZK payment scheme is the following:
private serial = random_scalar()
private blind = random_scalar()
public C = hash(serial, blind)
Then the coin C gets added in the merkle tree.
public nullifier = hash(serial)
private C = hash(serial, blind)
assert C in merkle_root
In practice we add more attributes to the coin C such as a public key (so nullifier can only be constructed by secret key), a value (so we hide amounts with CT), a token ID, and other attributes (such as permissions or owners).
Right. I am sufficiently familiar with the Zcash side of things to know the algorithm to use for this.
I also do understand Zcash is just one of many players in the field, yet they're the one I'm most familiar with and they do use merkle trees to store their outputs (with the Sapling input proof containing merkle tree pathing). I've also reviewed Tornado Cash which has its own merkle tree work and understand the multiplication used to achieve constraint definitions successfully. I only expect it to take a few hours to a couple of days, personally, I'm just busy for a bit.
You guys don't need to code the zk contracts (circuits). Here is the code for halo2:
It's more if you want to make your own plonk/halo2 prover/verifier system instead of using aztec or halo2 lib. That would be the work that actually takes time.
And here they are written with @parazyd 's compiler:
narodnik: That isn't the point. At all.
koe is specifically requesting a simple membership proof which is a trivial circuit to write. I am personally interested in providing such a demonstration so not only can they get a feel for it in a very self contained box, yet I can finally say I've successfully written a circuit. If your goal is to encourage Monero developers to move from the theoretical to the implementation, I'd hope you agree with my goal. If you'd rather simply post a Rust demo which handles membership and lets us do feasibility analysis, and be the Monero developer, you can also do that. I can't exactly complain in that case.
I will note your examples include nullifiers which is not what koe is requesting. While I advocated for the input ZK proofs as an equivalence to the modern CLSAG, Seraphis has a distinct design which separates membership proofs from linkability from range proofs. Personally, I can see why that might have an advantage. If we're able to define an accumulator which solely contains outputs, and only ever have to prove membership in it, we can change our membership proof (say, from Bulletproofs to Halo 2 or from Halo 2 to Halo 3 ~~or from Halo 3 to Halo Reach~~) without needing to define a new transaction pool as the linkability proof would remain constant and consistently formed. While it should also be possible without issue for such a limited output definition to produce consistent nullifier hashes across such proof formats, I am trying to note the potential advantages of a flexible and concise design and the considerations desired. The other important items are the distinction between spend authorization and spend detection (outgoing view keys, which I know plenty of existing SNARK systems offer, yet a distinct linkability proof may simplify), and the feasibility of multisig.
While I don't know the full details of how this may play out, I will say the immediate task is solely the membership proof as that serves a drop in role to the currently designed next protocol with no further considerations needed. From there, it's a discussion on evolution and moving more items over as proper. I'm also more interested in a BP+ design than a Halo 2 design at this point so Monero can more easily integrate it, as unfortunately there may be an aversion to Rust, not to mention the fact we already have BPs available (so we'd also not require adding an entirely external cryptsetup we haven't reviewed).
This is a very experimental topic opened by @sethforprivacy. koe, who's effectively leading the next transaction protocol, didn't want to immediately start a potentially not used idea with reformatting back to the existing system (membership + linkability as a single proof), and instead just wants a simple membership proof as a demo. I, as a developer who can probably write a basic circuit and was here to comment, offered to. This change won't happen overnight. You're welcome to post a series of ZK circuits based on Halo 2 and say Monero should move to it and leave it at that. The discussion being had here is taking it one step at a time. We have the option for a more efficient membership proof (one which is vastly more private). Once we have that proven, we'll see how else we can improve along this path.
You're obviously someone who has more experience than anyone who has commented thus far (except maybe parazyd who's with you :p ) and I'd appreciate your help as I work on a PoC, as I need it, and your help as we discuss protocol boundaries and further movements from there if we continue the discussion. I just, at least personally, don't appreciate being dumped full setups and being told we don't need to do anything. Seraphis is the future privacy protocol for Monero and accordingly needs to be the perfect fit for Monero. If an existing protocol is that perfect fit and has the most efficient code, I would see no issue with adopting it. If we were willing to accept something potentially good enough because it already existed... we probably wouldn't have made RingCTs and would still have public amounts :p
The important part is there needs to be a process here instead of a statement. Any process is going to be based off the current plan, which is Seraphis. koe's statement on the next step for bringing SNARKS into Seraphis is just a membership proof. If it legitimately is more efficient and it's believed to be feasibly integrateable... then it needs to be discussed with other developers from a variety of standpoints (extending our own BP+ impl to include programs, implementing another system, grabbing a C++ library, officially introducing Rust to the toolchain...). It's just a process.
EDIT: I will also note the provided code is AGPL which means we can't even use it in a proof of concept without the proof of concept being AGPL and... while I have no issue with AGPL in the right place, and a PoC should be an isolated PoC which means it shouldn't be an issue, I would like to avoid any licensing issues while this is prototyped and worked with.
lmk then what you need.
I would proceed like this:
- Learn plonk algo
- Learn halo2 algo
- Write simple circuits such as mimc or poseidon hash functions
- Implement your merkle proof
You can also start with the merkle proof then go backwards. You might want to do all of this in sage/python.
In practice we add more attributes to the coin C such as a public key (so nullifier can only be constructed by secret key), a value (so we hide amounts with CT), a token ID, and other attributes (such as permissions or owners). @narodnik
It sounds like a lot of the work put into these zk circuits focuses on building a large transaction protocol within the circuit (i.e. proving many kinds of statements within a single proof). Unfortunately, there are always design and efficiency consequences to coupling proof statements. In Cryptonote/RingCT, we had multiplicative inefficiency in the ring signatures in addition to a clumsy key image construction. In all privacy protocols that couple 'ledger membership' of inputs with 'ownership/authorization' and 'unspentness', it is impossible to build transactions in a modular fashion. We are stuck building an entire transaction in one pass (or preparing a full tx context before doing a full construction pass).
With Seraphis I am trying to break away from that past common sense. Every piece of the protocol is as loosely coupled as possible. Txos (I call them enotes) can be constructed in isolation (no related tx context). Membership proofs don't need to be constructed until right before a tx is submitted to the ledger (letting you chain transactions together completely off-chain, and/or hide timing information about when a tx started being built). Input proofs of ownership and unspentness can be individually and separately constructed (allowing multiple parties to contribute funds to a tx), are only coupled to the set of outputs (another requirement for tx chaining), and the linking tags (key images) can be proven valid without a membership proof (allowing senders/recipients of funds in an off-chain environment to be fully confident about balance changes). Range proofs and the balance proof can be defined as soon as the set of inputs and outputs are known (another requirement for tx chaining: you should be able to chain off txs that are completely valid within the protocol rules as soon as membership proofs for inputs are added - which can be trivially mocked, letting you easily validate partial txs).
Given the advantages of tx modularity, I really am looking forward to the simplest solution zk circuits can offer - just the membership proof piece. If there are non-trivial advantages to moving other pieces within the circuit (probably just the range proofs, which are the bulk of verification and tx size cost next to membership proofs), then absolutely let's consider it. One step at a time :)
As the conversation is referring to Seraphis quite a bit, just linking the protocol and current code here for reference and clarity:
Intriguing idea, but is the idea implemented? I read, "zk-SNARKs allow us to move from obfuscating the true spend to truly hiding it, a large step forward in preventing even targeted attacks from building a transaction graph, while doing so in a way that remains trustless and efficient." I am eager to see how one 'hides' the true spend within a deterministic algorithm. Such a method could create vast risks beyond the known and measurable risks of obfuscation outcomes.
It's not anymore deterministic than rings are. rings used exposed members, randomly selected from a larger subset, and then creates a signature with 11 decoy responses. The actual response then replaces its decoy, itself combined with a random value to prevent private key recovery.
With circuits, every member is exposed, because that's how outputs work. That said, we use every member, not just a subset. Randomness isn't needed here, as it wouldn't be if we created a ring of every single output. Same amount of randomness.
The distinction is there's no decoy responses. "So if I see your actual response and it alone I'll instantly know your actual spend!" Well... no. This is because the response, a variable, is combined with a random value just as regular signatures are. Sure, we eliminate decoys, but the response given looks the same as a response for any other member proof, which is all decoys needed to do (look identical to the actual to hide the actual). Since the actual looks identical to any other actual, and we never actually reveal any of the variables... it works.
Now if you want to ask how we can verify variables we don't know... magic. ZK circuit magic. I honestly can't say I know enough of to sit and write it out at an academic level. I know enough to work with it though and am here to do exactly that.
To provide an extremely basic explanation, every variable is composed of two things. The actual variable and a blinding factor (random value). These are combined via a Pedersen commitment (which we use to hide output amounts). Then, we can provide a proof that for a theoretical variable, it was executed according to this code, and we can verify that because we can provide data constructed from the variables and blinding factors as needed (yet not the actual blinding factors as that would remove the blinds and reveal everything). If we executed different code, the blinding factors wouldn't line up, and...
halo2 = plonk arithmetization + bulletproofs polynomial commitment proof
so does halo2 ultimately rely on Fiat-Shamir heuristic (instead of legacy SNARKs' CRS/trusted setup) to gain non-interactiveness? I'm speaking about things I don't still really know, anyway just to have a bird's-eye view of the whole context, what about any implementation of Groth-Sahai NIZK flavour ?
When discussing implementation into Monero, I'm mainly interested in keeping with the existing technology (Bulletproofs) available rather than distinct systems, especially for the initial circuit we consider deploying. Potentially more efficient systems, such as Halo 2 as a whole, or other systems, seem a bit much given the immediate discussion, and resources, at hand (in my opinion).
@kayabaNerve I understand your point. If your message has been inspired by mine, I have to explain that my question was just to take advantage of @narodnik knowledge about the field (which seems to me the highest here) to sketch the context...
There's hype about halo2 'cause it doesn't need trusted setup, but if it avoids CRS by use of Fiat-Shamir heuristic it's important to be known because it's weaker than a non-interactiveness by trusted setup under standard assumptions... It's true that Fiat-Shamir it's also used in Schnorr signature and Bulletproof so ROM is an already accepted ideal-model someway, but I asked about Groth-Sahai NIZK flavour because I have read that -if I'm not wrong- it could offer non-interactiveness without trusted setup but under assumption provable in the standard model.
So let's say I was trying to have an idea of the widespread context, believing it's useful to be more aware of choices and their tradeoffs. That said, you are right that maybe it's a bit much given the purpose of the discussion, I have ventured 'cause anyway there's not a lot of traffic here
BTW I think I have to withdraw my question to narodnik 'cause in my day-by-day learning I think to have understood that Groth-Sahai NIZKs do not avoid CRS
Basically gave up on this thread. Not much actual desire to learn or do anything, just make up random excuses. Adding arithmetization on top of the existing bulletproofs for a set inclusion proof is perfectly doable and not difficult. I already linked the 300 line sage script above but nobody actually bothered to look or try to understand.
I'm cross posting a benchmark I shared elsewhere here in case it's useful for people in the future.
use darkfi::{
proof::{Proof, ProvingKey, VerifyingKey},
vm::{Witness, ZkCircuit},
use darkfi_serial::Encodable;
use darkfi_sdk::{
pedersen::pedersen_commitment_u64, poseidon_hash, MerkleNode, PublicKey, SecretKey, TokenId,
constants::MERKLE_DEPTH, Nullifier
incrementalmerkletree::{bridgetree::BridgeTree, Hashable, Tree},
ff::{Field, PrimeField},
use halo2_proofs::circuit::Value;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
type MerkleTree = BridgeTree<MerkleNode, { MERKLE_DEPTH }>;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut tree = MerkleTree::new(100);
// Add 10 random things to the tree
for i in 0..10 {
let random_leaf = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let node = MerkleNode::from(random_leaf);
let leaf = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let node = MerkleNode::from(leaf);
let leaf_position = tree.witness().unwrap();
// Add 10 more random things to the tree
for i in 0..10 {
let random_leaf = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let node = MerkleNode::from(random_leaf);
let root = tree.root(0).unwrap();
// Now begin zk proof API
let bincode = include_bytes!("../proof/inclusion_proof.zk.bin");
let zkbin = ZkBinary::decode(bincode)?;
// ======
// Prover
// ======
// Bigger k = more rows, but slower circuit
// Number of rows is 2^k
let k = 11;
println!("k = {}", k);
// Witness values
let merkle_path = tree.authentication_path(leaf_position, &root).unwrap();
let leaf_position: u64 = leaf_position.into();
let prover_witnesses = vec![
// Create the public inputs
let merkle_root = {
let position: u64 = leaf_position.into();
let mut current = MerkleNode::from(leaf);
for (level, sibling) in merkle_path.iter().enumerate() {
let level = level as u8;
current = if position & (1 << level) == 0 {
MerkleNode::combine(level.into(), ¤t, sibling)
} else {
MerkleNode::combine(level.into(), sibling, ¤t)
let public_inputs = vec![leaf, merkle_root.inner()];
// Create the circuit
let circuit = ZkCircuit::new(prover_witnesses, zkbin.clone());
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let proving_key = ProvingKey::build(k, &circuit);
println!("ProvingKey built [{} s]", now.elapsed().as_secs_f64());
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let proof = Proof::create(&proving_key, &[circuit], &public_inputs, &mut OsRng)?;
println!("Proof created [{} s]", now.elapsed().as_secs_f64());
// ========
// Verifier
// ========
// Construct empty witnesses
let verifier_witnesses = empty_witnesses(&zkbin);
// Create the circuit
let circuit = ZkCircuit::new(verifier_witnesses, zkbin);
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let verifying_key = VerifyingKey::build(k, &circuit);
println!("VerifyingKey built [{} s]", now.elapsed().as_secs_f64());
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
proof.verify(&verifying_key, &public_inputs)?;
println!("proof verify [{} s]", now.elapsed().as_secs_f64());
let mut data = vec![];
proof.encode(&mut data)?;
println!("proof size: {}", data.len());
constant "InclusionProof" {
contract "InclusionProof" {
Base leaf,
Uint32 leaf_pos,
MerklePath path,
circuit "InclusionProof" {
# Merkle root
root = merkle_root(leaf_pos, path, leaf);
k = 11
ProvingKey built [1.393294228 s]
Proof created [1.105254593 s]
VerifyingKey built [1.240241996 s]
proof verify [0.018967216 s]
This is using bulletproofs for inner product proof, so there's no trusted setup. It proves that $leaf has a pathway to $root without revealing the exact path. Verification takes 0.019 secs and proof size is 6403 bytes. This tree has a anon size of 2^32, while Seraphis current ring size is 128 and ~800 bytes. So an 8x proof size increase for 33554432x increase in anonymity set.
It's pretty much just defining a polynomial relation to prove the merkle tree inclusion, then committing to that using the bulletproofs scheme. Given a and b are boolean ints, you can arithmetize them as so:
a AND b = ab
a OR b = a + b - ab
NOT a = 1 - a
then we convert our algo to that format, and we construct polynomials that interpolate those points, then commit and open it using bulletproofs.
Literally the main critique of monero is anon set size. Imagine if that is solved. then monero would solve the biggest issue, and might become finally a large mcap project if it could pull this off.
thanks for your code and ideas @narodnik !
I have a few comments, and I'm a bit annoyed by the above presentation, so please forgive me for any extraneous snark.
I don't believe anyone made up random excuses.
A circuit meeting Seraphis's needs must do elliptic point addition in the circuit. It's not feasible to do Ed25519 point addition in a Ed25519 Bulletproof. You need a curve that towers down to Ed25519.
There is such a curve. I have a (rather slow) impl and was working on a bellman circuit in my spare time.
Dev bandwidth is, as usual, a problem. I have no objection to that point.
The above circuit does not do point addition to blind the member. It is a (presumably) valid Merkle tree inclusion proof. While I appreciate the... contribution, it adds nothing to the conversation. It was already known we'd need a merkle tree-based proof. You quickly being able to write one with your SDK and the Halo 2 libs is a great comment on how far this problem has come, yet doesn't contribute to Monero. It fails to exhibit any new contribution to the protocol unless we moved completely over to Halo 2. Else, we have to rewrite all of this tooling, returning to the previous point.
We can move to Halo 2 by using COPZ's discrete-log equality proof, which would have the cost of BP(+)s + some misc 512-bit arithmetic ops. Prior to COPZ's publication, the DLEq proof took an eighth of a second to verify and was completely infeasible. I'm not sure switching curves is sufficiently beneficial when compared to tower considerations. It'd depend on how much BPs fail to recursive proofs like Halo 2.
We can't have a fixed size merkle tree and also need to handle things at that.
I believe more efficient constructions than Poseidon have been put forth. While I'm not against Poseidon, I'd want to review options like Reinforced Concrete before building a full impl of anything.
Thanks for your works and commitment to Monero, which is an important service. Monero preserves the original spirit of crypto. I can imagine the frustration of having an outsider come and start being pushy.
Privacy is likely to become a big issue within crypto. The ring size is the achilles heel for Monero, and biggest source of doubt. If it gets fixed, then the project can claim its position within the markets. Otherwise as it stands, the project will leak a lot of value which translates to a smaller shrinking community. It's the time to expand rather than consolidate since an opportunity is beginning to open up ahead, and for the project to succeed it must be ready.
As an alternative, here's some code for curve trees which is an alternative to merkle proofs:
import hashlib
from collections import namedtuple
# Your Funds Are Safu
p = [
# Pallas, Vesta
K = [GF(p_i) for p_i in p]
E = [EllipticCurve(K_i, (0, 5)) for K_i in K]
# Scalar fields
Scalar = [K[1], K[0]]
base_G = [E_i.gens()[0] for E_i in E]
assert all(base_G_i.order() == p_i for p_i, base_G_i in zip(reversed(p), base_G))
E1, E2 = 0, 1
gens = [
[E[E1].random_point() for _ in range(5)],
[E[E2].random_point() for _ in range(5)],
def hash_nodes(Ei, P1, P2, r):
G1, G2, G3, G4, H = gens[Ei]
(P1_x, P1_y), (P2_x, P2_y) = P1.xy(), P2.xy()
v1G1 = int(P1_x) * G1
v2G2 = int(P1_y) * G2
v3G3 = int(P2_x) * G3
v4G4 = int(P2_y) * G4
rH = int(r) * H
return v1G1 + v2G2 + v3G3 + v4G4 + rH
def hash_point(Ei, P, b):
G1, G2, G3, G4, H = gens[Ei]
x, y = P.xy()
return int(x)*G1 + int(y)*G2 + int(b)*H
# You can ignore this particular impl.
# Just some rough code to illustrate the main concept.
# The proofs enforce these relations:
# σ ∈ {0, 1}
# C = x1 G1 + y1 G2 + x2 G3 + y2 G4 + rH
# Ĉ = x_i G1 + y_i G2 + bH
# where
# x_i = { x0 if σ = 0
# { x1 if σ = 1
# y_i = { y0 if σ = 0
# { y1 if σ = 1
# It is just a quick hackjob proof of concept and horribly inefficient
# Our tree is a height of D=3
def create_tree(C3):
assert len(C3) == 2**3
# j = 2
C2 = []
for i in range(4):
C2_i = hash_nodes(E2, C3[2*i], C3[2*i + 1], 0)
# j = 1
C1 = []
for i in range(2):
C1_i = hash_nodes(E1, C2[2*i], C2[2*i + 1], 0)
# j = 0 (root)
C0 = hash_nodes(E2, C1[0], C1[1], 0)
return C0
def create_path(C3):
# To make things easier, we assume that our coin is
# always on the left hand side of the tree.
X3 = C3[1]
X2 = hash_nodes(E2, C3[2], C3[3], 0)
X1 = hash_nodes(
hash_nodes(E2, C3[4], C3[5], 0),
hash_nodes(E2, C3[6], C3[7], 0),
return (X3, X2, X1)
def main():
coins = [E[E1].random_point() for _ in range(2**3)]
root = create_tree(coins)
path = create_path(coins)
# Test the path works
X3, X2, X1 = path
C3 = coins[0]
C2 = hash_nodes(
C1 = hash_nodes(
C0 = hash_nodes(
assert C0 == root
# E1 point
C3 = coins[0]
Ĉ0 = root
r0 = 0
# Same as this:
# Ĉ0 = hash_nodes(E1, C2, X2, 0)
# j = 1
b1 = int(Scalar[E2].random_element())
Ĉ1 = hash_point(E2, C1, b1)
C1_x, C1_y = C1.xy()
X1_x, X1_y = X1.xy()
proof1, public1 = make_proof(
public1.C = Ĉ0
public1.D = Ĉ1
assert verify_proof(E2, proof1, public1)
# j = 2
# Now we know that Ĉ1 is the root of a new subtree
# But Ĉ1 ∈ E2, whereas we need to produce a blinded
# Ĉ1 ∈ E1.
# The reason this system uses curve cycles is because
# EC arithmetic is efficient to represent.
# We skip this part so assume these next to lines are
# part of the previous proof.
r1 = int(Scalar[E1].random_element())
Ĉ1 = hash_nodes(E1, C2, X2, r1)
b2 = int(Scalar[E1].random_element())
Ĉ2 = hash_point(E1, C2, b2)
C2_x, C2_y = C2.xy()
X2_x, X2_y = X2.xy()
proof2, public2 = make_proof(
public2.C = Ĉ1
public2.D = Ĉ2
assert verify_proof(E1, proof2, public2)
# j = 3
# Same as before. We now have a randomized C2
r2 = int(Scalar[E2].random_element())
Ĉ2 = hash_nodes(E2, C3, X3, r2)
b3 = int(Scalar[E2].random_element())
Ĉ3 = hash_point(E2, C3, b3)
C3_x, C3_y = C3.xy()
X3_x, X3_y = X3.xy()
proof3, public3 = make_proof(
public3.C = Ĉ2
public3.D = Ĉ3
assert verify_proof(E2, proof3, public3)
# Now just unblind Ĉ3
Check here for the code. It works by using a 2 cycle of EC curves where the scalar field is the base field of each one. There are a number of simple curves with this property. This enables fast EC calculation inside ZK, so you'd still need a bulletproofs circuit. Check the code comments for more info.
Privacy is likely to become a big issue within crypto. The ring size is the achilles heel for Monero, and biggest source of doubt. If it gets fixed, then the project can claim its position within the markets. Otherwise as it stands, the project will leak a lot of value which translates to a smaller shrinking community. It's the time to expand rather than consolidate since an opportunity is beginning to open up ahead, and for the project to succeed it must be ready.
I very much agree with this!
In this issue about tx_extra @tevador mentioned some doubts about the benefits of switching to a system like the one you are proposing:
As I said earlier, the problems caused by transaction non-uniformity cannot be fully solved just by a better membership proof.
See: Can you maybe respond to some of these doubts? It seems like there are these input arity correlation attacks against Zcash. Are there more attacks like this? what could be done about them?
@tevador is currently focused on adding aesthetic changes to tx_extra to increase transaction uniformity. But this seems like a dead end.
How would your solution help with transaction uniformity? would it solve the problem?
Thank you very much for your help!
jberman has requested I submit a comprehensive hand-off level write-up on this for a few weeks, and we had a discussion today cementing some details. This is completely unrelated, in timing and content, to the above post.
A complete membership proof:
- Removes all statistical analysis on the selected group
- Massively simplifies wallet development by no longer needing decoy selection algorithms
- Prevents bad wallets from differentiating themselves by using distinct algorithms
For an arbitrary point, prove its existence in some set and output it +xG, for some x and some generator G.
Curve Trees
For a concrete instantiation targeting 128 bits of security we obtain: a commitment to a set of \textit{any} size is 256 bits; for |S| = 2^40 a zero-knowledge membership proof is 3KB, its proving takes 2s and its verification 40ms on an ordinary laptop.
These would require a curve cycle.
Halo 2
Halo 2, by the ECC, uses a curve cycle to create recursive proofs. It builds on top of the work of several contributions to the space, such as Bulletproofs.
The time for verifying an individual transaction on a single thread is around 30ms,
I'm unsure on how valid the comparison between this 30ms and the Curve Trees 40ms is. I'd assume the later is heavily optimized and the former was a proof of concept, yet I cannot say for certain. Please note Zcash transactions have one collective proof for all inputs and outputs, distinct forom Seraphis's design, yet signifying the membership portion would be a fraction of the time benchmarked here.
We can continue using Bulletproofs, more specifically Bulletproofs++, which has the same prover complexity as verifier complexity. This is feasible by doing a proof over bulletproof25519, a curve whose scalar field is equivalent to Ed25519's field element field. This allows efficiently proving about Ed25519 points within a SNARK.
Current work contains an implementation of bulletproof25519, with no optimizations to the point it's horrendously slow. It also contains work on a circuit which does blind a point (and hashes it, yet I did not yet create a tree for merkle membership). It still needs:
- An efficient bulletprof25519 impl
- A BP++ impl
- An efficient hash (currently it uses a non-arithmetic hash)
- Potentially to be moved from bellman to arkworks, which seems to be the current best library for building circuits
- A complete circuit
On the necessity of a curve cycle
Without a curve cycle, we risk always having solutions equal to prove as to verify. Not only is this a massive DoS conceern, it's a fundamental lack of scalability. With a curve cycle, we have multiple paths towards logarithmically performant solutions. While, for now, we can trade blows with solutions based on curve cycles, we will be fundamentally held back by our own inability to adopt such solutions. It's arguably already too late for Monero to argue practical performance benefits.
Options to move forward
Move Seraphis to secp256k1 or pallas (vesta?)
With COPZ's cross-group discrete logarithm equality proof, we can move curves for just over the current cost of a bulletproof. This would require:
- A library for the curve we move to
- An implementation of COPZ's DLEq proof
- Redoing existing work on Seraphis to be over the new curve
With this, we have the benefit of obtaining a curve without torsion.
Fund discovery of a curve cycle for Ed25519
We can hope there will eventually be a Ed25519 cycle. While this sticks us with Ed25519, which annoyingly has torsion, it is possible. I'd argue this should be done as soon as possible if we're unwilling to move. That way, we can know if a curve cycle is available and we aren't either dooming ourselves or necessitating yet another migration in the future.
Accept likely long-term inferiority
We can accept a lack of cycle, either hoping for logarithmic non-cycle solutions, or just accepting the tower. The current work, premised on a tower, should be moved forward with in this case as our best bet. I'd ask who is able to successfully optimize the low-level arithmetic, and then further discuss hiring Sarang via CypherStack to work on a BP++ implementation. I'd also explicitly argue on maintaining it being in Rust, as almost all modern ZK-circuit work is, calling it foolish to rewrite everything in C++. This would officially make Monero a bilingual project.
Actual next steps
I'd like to call for discussions on moving to a cycle with Seraphis and ask if the Monero project will accept Rust membership proofs in the larger C++ project. I'd note Zcash has long used Rust libraries (librustzcash, which has all their ZK code) in their Bitcoin fork. Depending on how those go, I'd like to discuss finding a cycle for Ed25519 and having someone else continue working on the towering Bulletproofs++ possibility, yet I'd note that isn't urgent. Only either deciding to move curves, or deciding to commit to Ed25519 despite the potential lack of cycle, is urgent.
The biggest issue with moving to another curve would be the required migration of amount commitments (in order to prove that transactions balance out).
Any transaction spending RingCT e-notes (and producing Seraphis e-notes) would need to include:
- ed25519 "pseudoOut" key
, which is the masked commitment (used in CLSAG) - pallas "pseudoOut" key
, which would be used for the balance proof - a proof that
contain the same amount
The proof would presumably be done using the algorithm described in this paper:
We'd have to use the parameter b_x = 64
and the proof size would be roughly 100 bytes per spent e-note.
For Jamtis addresses, we could keep X25519 for the Diffie-Hellman exchange as it's completely unrelated to the output key group.
Overall, I think it would be feasible. Seraphis is probably the only time when we could afford to do this since we are already changing the address format.