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:rocket: FluxBB to Flarum importer


Migration script for Fluxbb forum to Flarum, partially based on work of :


This tool exports and migrates your Fluxbb (>= v1.5.8) forum to Flarum.

Flarum is still in beta testing, therefore only some of the typical web forum features are available, and what is now working can break anytime (including this script, tailored for flarum v0.1.0-beta.6). At this moment fluxbb_to_flarum only supports migration of :

  • Users
  • User groups
  • User avatars
  • User signatures
  • Topics
  • Posts
  • Categories
  • Subcategories
  • Topics subscriptions
  • Bans
  • Smileys
  • Fluxbb http(s) links

Usage instructions

0 - Prerequisites

If this is not already done, install docker. Read https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ for more information.

1 - Clone and build the migrator image

git clone https://github.com/mondediefr/fluxbb_to_flarum.git && cd fluxbb_to_flarum

# and build the image migrator
./run build

Edit (if needed) and copy the .env.sample file :

vim .env.sample
cp .env.sample .env

2 - Add a new flarum vhost for nginx

echo " flarum.local" >> /etc/hosts

Create the file flarum.conf with folders ./docker/nginx/sites-enabled/

# File : ./docker/nginx/sites-enabled/flarum.conf

server {
  listen 8000;
  server_name flarum.local;

  location / {
    proxy_pass              http://flarum:8888;
    proxy_set_header        Host                 $host;
    proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP            $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For      $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header        X-Remote-Port        $remote_port;
    proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Proto    $scheme;
    proxy_redirect          off;

3 - Start the containers

# make sure you use last docker image
docker pull mondedie/docker-flarum:0.1.0-beta.7.2-stable

# launch mariadb, nginx and flarum
docker-compose up -d

Now, you must install flarum by opening your browser and setting database parameters. At this adress http://flarum.local

Data to set on install page

MySQL Host     = mariadb
MySQL Database = flarum
MySQL Username = flarum
MySQL Password = 277F9fqGEgyB

Init importer :

./run init

[INFO] Install migration script dependencies
[INFO] Creation of the default TextFormatter bundle

4 - Export your fluxbb dump and init fluxbb/flarum databases

Example :

# Create a ssh tunnel to your database hosting
ssh [email protected] -p xxx -L 8888:localhost:3306

# Export your fluxbb database dump in `scripts/sql/fluxbb_dump.sql` file
mysqldump --host= \
  --protocol=tcp \
  --port=8888 \
  --user=root \
  --password={ROOT_PASSWORD} \
  --compress \
  --default-character-set=utf8 \
  --result-file=scripts/sql/fluxbb_dump.sql {NAME_OF_DATABASE}

# Init fluxbb database
./run fluxbb-db-init

[INFO] Init fluxbb database
[INFO] Importing the fluxbb dump
[INFO] done !

5 - Avatars importation

Import all avatar images in scripts/avatars folder :

Example :

scp -P xxx -r [email protected]:/path/to/fluxbb/avatars/folder/* scripts/avatars

6 - Smileys importation

Import all smileys images in scripts/smileys folder :

Example :

scp -P xxx -r [email protected]:/path/to/fluxbb/smileys/folder/* scripts/smileys

Add your custom fluxbb smileys in scripts/importer/smileys.php like this :


$smileys = [

7 - Usernames format

Usernames must contain only letters, numbers and dashes. If an account doesn't match this format, the script clean it and send an email to notify account's owner.

You must add your email provider settings in .env file in order to send notifications :

[email protected]
[email protected]

Edit scripts/mail/title.txt.sample and scripts/mail/body.html.sample files at your convenience, then :

cp scripts/mail/title.txt.sample scripts/mail/title.txt
cp scripts/mail/body.html.sample scripts/mail/body.html

If you have your own mail server, don't forget to apply rate limiting to avoid 421 error (with gmail, outlook...etc) when sending bulk emails.

Example with postfix :

# /etc/postfix/main.cf

# It specifies a delay (1 second) between deliveries
default_destination_rate_delay = 1s

8 - Migration process

./run migrate

[INFO] ------------------- STARTING MIGRATION PROCESS -------------------
[INFO] Connected successfully to the databases !
[INFO] #############################
[INFO] ### [1/8] Users migration ###
[INFO] #############################
[INFO] Migrating 2441 users...
[INFO] DONE. Results :
[INFO] > 2440 user(s) migrated successfully
[INFO] > 1 user(s) ignored (guest account + those without mail address)
[INFO] > 19 user(s) cleaned (incorrect format)
[INFO] > 119 signature(s) cleaned and migrated successfully
[INFO] > 165 avatar(s) migrated successfully
[INFO] ##################################
[INFO] ### [2/8] Categories migration ###
[INFO] ##################################
[INFO] Migrating 9 categories...
[INFO] ...
[INFO] ...
[INFO] ...
[INFO] ----------------- END OF MIGRATION (time: 3 min 41 sec) ---------------

Migration logs are available in scripts/logs/migrate.log

9 - Done, congratulation ! :tada:

You can see the result of migration here : http://flarum.local


Create custom plugin

To create a custom plugin, you must create a file using this syntax name_of_my_plugin.plugin.php
Note: without a suffix .plugin.php the file will not be executed.

TextFormatter Bundle

You can add custom TextFormatter rules in this file scripts/createCustomBundle.php

Then update the bundle with :

./run update-bundle

[INFO] TextFormatter bundle updated !


To remove untagged images (after some builds), run :

./run clean

To reset and remove all containers, run :

./run remove

# Remove mount point data
rm -rf ./docker/flarum/ \

To restart all containers again : https://github.com/mondediefr/fluxbb_to_flarum#3---start-the-containers


  • https://github.com/s9e/TextFormatter : Text formatting library (Thanks to @JoshyPHP for this wonderful library <3)
  • https://github.com/composer/composer : PHP dependencies manager
  • https://github.com/Intervention/image : PHP image handling and manipulation library
  • https://github.com/illuminate/support : Illuminate support components
  • https://github.com/cocur/slugify : String to slug converter
  • https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer : Email sending library for PHP


  • Fork this repository
  • Create a new feature branch for a new functionality or bugfix
  • Commit your changes
  • Push your code and open a new pull request
  • Use issues for any questions




Apache License Version 2.0