Received feedback: The code was updated until May 20th and it was discovered that the issue had disappeared. When it was updated until May 10th, the issue still existed. I...
已替换自己申请的高德地图Key码,登陆BI后可以看到地图。 但是创建的公共链接页面不能显示地图,这是什么原因呢? 怀疑是公共链接的js api应用中缺少key的相关信息?
目前在chrome 123.0.6312.106新版上仍旧存在以下问题: 1、更换高德地图的js api的KEY码后,第二天登陆BI系统仍然无法显示地图。 必须进入系统管理-系统参数-地图设置,显示出地图后,再回到仪表板才能正常显示地图。 2、在上述操作可以显示系统内仪表板地图的前提下,创建公共链接页面确认仍旧无法显示地图。 我卸载上述版本chrome,改为安装很老的32位版本88,X的chrome,则没有上述问题,公共链接的地图显示是正常的。
Today, players gave feedback again: Yesterday, there was another issue where NPCBots disappeared after returning from Shattrath to Thunder Cliff. Only one NPCBOT hired by the player is left by...
Another player feedback: After testing the damage value of equipment skills by driving wooden stakes in the main city, the probability of NPCBOTS getting stuck and not following is higher.
Player feedback: He hired a total of 9 NPCBOTs and fled after triggering a battle in the enemy camp area. When he found that there were only 3 NPCBOTs left,...