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Support Monal!
Dear users,
the development of Monal thrives and improves significantly with your support and your efforts! If you are encouraged to enhance Monal we suggest the following options:
Ring the bell :bell: Have you recognized any bugs or do you have suggestions for improvements? Then please create an issue. (Please be so kind and check first if your issue already is known! :pray: ) Here you can test the iOS Beta and macOS Beta! If there are bugs which are not reproducible or you intent to help with extended testing and reviews please feel free to contact us via mail at [email protected], too.
Translations :flags: You can also help to translate Monal to your preferred language on our Weblate site!
Star Wars :star: To make Monal more prominent and to gain attention, be so kind and star the GitHub repository of Monal.
Insert coin :moneybag: Please support our community contributors with your donation!
- Donate via GitHub Sponsors
- Donate via Libera Pay
- EU citizens can donate via SEPA, too. Just contact Thilo Molitor via mail to [email protected] to get his IBAN.
I :heart: Monal Just leave a review or rating in the App Store!
Hit the keys :musical_keyboard: If you have some time, a Macbook or similar and an iPhone a great help would be creating a Pull Request or review of code! Hint: If you are interested in testing Monal but don't have an iOS or Mac hardware, you can virtualize:
- MacOS Bis Sur
- Alternative 1
- Alternative 2
- Alternative 3
- Mac OS Beta ISO as well as the free preview image
Direct download links to all XCode versions If you want to connect your physical iPhone to XCode inside your VM, use this (tested by Monal devs)
Access to the Alpha builds: We would also like you to ask if there are more people interested to test the Alpha builds. That would help us a lot but also offers you to have the new bleeding-edge features implemented. Just sent your device's UUID to [email protected]. Once your device has been authorized, you can download and install it. For each new commit to the develop branch a new build will go down the pipeline. Please be reminded that the Alpha obviously might be unstable, slower or come with other severe issues. So, do not install this to your friends contacts! Read here how to use logging with the Monal UDP Logger
Follow Monal on Fosstodon!
Thank you for using and supporting Monal!
@Echolon show this in the wiki, too!
@Echolon Maybe migrate this issue into a wiki page? That would look nicer and smoother :)
@tmolitor-stud-tu Yes, I can COPY it, but I woulf not move it.
Why? Well, it is one of the highest clicked pages in the repository, so that tells it is placed quite right. I highly recommend to keep it here as well.
How can I log in with my ip address? ex.server: ex.jid: test@localhost
@Sardor-art Please have a look at the wiki BTW: It is not a good style to ask questions in a random existing and unrelated issue.