Alexander Presber
Alexander Presber
I am using rack-legacy to run a PHP app under pow. Now rack-legacy does not parse `.htaccess` and it seems there is no way I can set `include_path` and `auto_prepend_file`...
Branch: 2-1-stable. The payment method names should be localizable, but are not.
Often we want to control all sizes of an image used on a site, regardless of the original size. We don't even want to deliver the original at all. It...
When I try to do ```ruby find_link 'Buchen', exact_text: true ``` in Capybara I get ```ruby Capybara::Cuprite::InvalidSelector: Browser raised error trying to find xpath: "(.//a[./@href][((((./@id = 'Buchen') or (normalize-space(string(.)) =...
The featured image, even though uploaded and shown in the backend, does not appear anywhere in the frontend.
:prefix => '' does not work as expected, :prefix => nil means top level Btw. I do not know whether this breaks something else. Can you include some info on...
This change allows for options like cache control headers to be set while writing to S3, e.g. ``` driver = \ access_key_id: aws_key, secret_access_key: aws_secret, bucket: bucket_name, write_options: {:cache_control...
calling .exist? on a remote dir should return true. directories might not "physically exist" on S3 but used as a virtual file system the answer given by Vos::Drivers::S3VfsStorage#dir_exists? makes more...
this cures the "incompatible character encodings" exception by forcing strings being written into ASCII-8BIT encoding
When I try to transmit binary files (e.g. a jpg file) via the SFTP driver, I consistently get an Encoding::CompatibilityError, backtrace is here: