mobile-sdk icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mobile-sdk copied to clipboard

If your business have a mobile app. You can use this SDK to integrate your mobile with MoMo App

MoMo App test


If your business have a mobile app. You can use this SDK to integrate MoMo app into your app.


STEP 1: Config file Plist (CFBundleURLTypes and LSApplicationQueriesSchemes)

  • CFBundleURLTypes: add scheme <appScheme> value . Note: partnerSchemeId provided by MoMo , get from
  • LSApplicationQueriesSchemes: add the scheme as "momo"

ios-swift CocoaPods

-   pod "MomoiOSSwiftSdk", :git => "", :branch => "release_swift", submodules: true

ios-Objective-C CocoaPods

-   pod "MomoiOSSwiftSdk", :git => "", :branch => "release_objc", submodules: true
Params description

Name                    Type      REQUIRED ?     Description
merchantcode           String    required      provided by MoMo. get from
merchantname           String    required      partner name / merchant name
merchantnamelabel      String    optional      Merchantname Hint/Label
appScheme              String    required      partnerSchemeId provided by MoMo , get from
orderId                String    required      billing purchaseId / Contract id
amount                 int       required      bill amount total
orderLabel             String    optional      Contract Number Hint/Label . Example value: "OrderId" , "BillId"
description            String    required      bill description
fee                    int       optional        fee amount (just review). default = 0
username               String    optional        user id/user identify/user email
extra                  String    optional        json string - that should be more bill extra info

STEP 2: Init the order parameters

override func viewDidLoad() {
	// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "NoficationCenterTokenReceived"), object: nil)
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.NoficationCenterTokenReceived), name:NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "NoficationCenterTokenReceived"), object: nil)

#### usage method init paymentInfo - Swift
let paymentinfo = NSMutableDictionary()
paymentinfo["merchantcode"] = "CGV01"
paymentinfo["merchantname"] = "CGV Cinemas"
paymentinfo["merchantnamelabel"] = "Service"
paymentinfo["orderId"] = "012345XXX"
paymentinfo["orderLabel"] = "OrderID"
paymentinfo["amount"] = 20000
paymentinfo["fee"] = 0
paymentinfo["description"] = "Thanh toán vé xem phim"
paymentinfo["extra"] = "{\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}"
paymentinfo["username"] = payment_username //user id/user identify/user email
paymentinfo["appScheme"] = "partnerSchemeId"   //partnerSchemeId provided by MoMo , get from
MoMoPayment.createPaymentInformation(info: paymentinfo)

    // Button title: ENGLISH = MoMo E-Wallet , VIETNAMESE = Ví MoMo
let buttonPay = UIButton()
    buttonPay.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 200, width: 260, height: 40)
    buttonPay.setTitle("Pay Via MoMo Wallet", for: .normal)
    buttonPay.titleLabel!.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
    buttonPay.backgroundColor = UIColor.purple
    // Add Button Action to OPEN MOMO APP
    buttonPay.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.openAppMoMo), for: .touchUpInside) //see @objc func gettoken()

@objc func openAppMoMo() { MoMoPayment.requestToken() } @objc func NoficationCenterTokenReceived(notif: NSNotification) { //Token Replied - Call Payment to MoMo Server print("::MoMoPay Log::Received Token Replied::(notif.object!)") //lblMessage.text = "RequestToken response:\n (notif.object as Any)"

        let response:NSMutableDictionary = notif.object! as! NSMutableDictionary
        let _reference_orderId = response["orderId"] as! String
        let _statusStr = "\(response["status"] as! String)"
        let _messageStr = "\(response["message"] as! String)"	    

# Android App

At a minimum, this SDK is designed to work with Android SDK 14.

## Installation

To use the MoMo Android SDK, add the compile dependency with the latest version of the MoMo SDK.

### Gradle

Step 1. Import SDK
Add the JitPack repository to your `build.gradle`:

allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } }

Add the dependency:

dependencies { compile 'com.github.momo-wallet:mobile-sdk:1.0.7' }

Step 2. Config AndroidMainfest
``` Step 3. Build Layout Confirm order Activity ``` import vn.momo.momo_partner.AppMoMoLib; import vn.momo.momo_partner.MoMoParameterNameMap;

private String amount = "10000"; private String fee = "0"; int environment = 0;//developer default private String merchantName = "Demo SDK"; private String merchantCode = "SCB01"; private String merchantNameLabel = "Nhà cung cấp"; private String description = "Thanh toán dịch vụ ABC";

void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) AppMoMoLib.getInstance().setEnvironment(AppMoMoLib.ENVIRONMENT.DEVELOPMENT); // AppMoMoLib.ENVIRONMENT.PRODUCTION

- Display MoMo button label language (required): English = "MoMo e-wallet", Vietnamese = "Ví MoMo"
- Display icon or button color (optional): title color #b0006d , icon

Step 4. Get token & request payment

//Get token through MoMo app private void requestPayment() { AppMoMoLib.getInstance().setAction(AppMoMoLib.ACTION.PAYMENT); AppMoMoLib.getInstance().setActionType(AppMoMoLib.ACTION_TYPE.GET_TOKEN); if (edAmount.getText().toString() != null && edAmount.getText().toString().trim().length() != 0) amount = edAmount.getText().toString().trim();

    Map<String, Object> eventValue = new HashMap<>();
    //client Required
    eventValue.put("merchantname", merchantName); //Tên đối tác. được đăng ký tại VD: Google, Apple, Tiki , CGV Cinemas
    eventValue.put("merchantcode", merchantCode); //Mã đối tác, được cung cấp bởi MoMo tại 
    eventValue.put("amount", total_amount); //Kiểu integer 
eventValue.put("orderId", "orderId123456789"); //uniqueue id cho Bill order, giá trị duy nhất cho mỗi đơn hàng  
eventValue.put("orderLabel", "Mã đơn hàng"); //gán nhãn 

//client Optional - bill info
eventValue.put("merchantnamelabel", "Dịch vụ");//gán nhãn 
    eventValue.put("fee", total_fee); //Kiểu integer
eventValue.put("description", description); //mô tả đơn hàng - short description 

    //client extra data 
    eventValue.put("requestId",  merchantCode+"merchant_billId_"+System.currentTimeMillis());
    eventValue.put("partnerCode", merchantCode);
//Example extra data 
    JSONObject objExtraData = new JSONObject();
    try {
        objExtraData.put("site_code", "008");
        objExtraData.put("site_name", "CGV Cresent Mall");
        objExtraData.put("screen_code", 0);
        objExtraData.put("screen_name", "Special");
        objExtraData.put("movie_name", "Kẻ Trộm Mặt Trăng 3");
        objExtraData.put("movie_format", "2D");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
    eventValue.put("extraData", objExtraData.toString());

    eventValue.put("extra", "");
    AppMoMoLib.getInstance().requestMoMoCallBack(this, eventValue);


//Get token callback from MoMo app an submit to server side void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if(requestCode == AppMoMoLib.getInstance().REQUEST_CODE_MOMO && resultCode == -1) { if(data != null) { if(data.getIntExtra("status", -1) == 0) { //TOKEN IS AVAILABLE tvMessage.setText("message: " + "Get token " + data.getStringExtra("message")); String token = data.getStringExtra("data"); //Token response String phoneNumber = data.getStringExtra("phonenumber"); String env = data.getStringExtra("env"); if(env == null){ env = "app"; }

                if(token != null && !token.equals("")) {
                    // TODO: send phoneNumber & token to your server side to process payment with MoMo server
                    // IF Momo topup success, continue to process your order
                } else {
                    tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
            } else if(data.getIntExtra("status", -1) == 1) {
                //TOKEN FAIL
                String message = data.getStringExtra("message") != null?data.getStringExtra("message"):"Thất bại";
                tvMessage.setText("message: " + message);
            } else if(data.getIntExtra("status", -1) == 2) {
                //TOKEN FAIL
                tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
            } else {
                //TOKEN FAIL
                tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
        } else {
            tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
    } else {
        tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info_err));
### Sample app android

 ## Version

Version 2.0

## Authors

* **Lành Lưu**
* **Hưng Đỗ**

## License
Since 2015 (c) MoMo