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Refactor `ObjectList` implementation

Open whyscream opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments


The current Objectlist (the object that wraps a collection of API results, f.i. "get payments") is a messy class.

  • It supports some methods that make it behave as a list, but also some dictionary-like behaviors.
  • Iterating over paginated results is something that a developer must do in code, it is not provided by the client.
  • It is initialized using a complex data structure (a full API response) which makes the code handling this data hard to read


  • Consume only the list data from the API response (Also see the TODO in code:
  • Automatic iteration over paginated API results
  • Expose only list behavior

In #285 a POC is available. This should be properly integrated and tested.

whyscream avatar Nov 08 '22 16:11 whyscream