travis-solr copied to clipboard
Get a Solr instance running with a one-liner and use it in your tests.
Solr 3.x and 4.x:
curl -sSL | SOLR_VERSION=3.6.1 SOLR_CONFS="schema.xml solrconfig.xml" SOLR_DOCS=custom_docs.json bash
Solr 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x:
curl -sSL | SOLR_VERSION=8.1.0 SOLR_COLLECTION=collection_name SOLR_COLLECTION_CONF=path/to/your/custom/conf SOLR_DOCS=custom_docs.json bash
Sorl 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x schemaless example
curl -sSL | SOLR_VERSION=8.1.0 SOLR_DOCS=custom_docs.json bash
SOLR_VERSION: .............
You have to specify a valid version of Solr. See for available releases.
SOLR 3.x and 4.x variables ..........................
SOLR_CONFS: :::::::::::
If you need to use some custom configuration you can specify one or more files in this variable and the script will copy it in the solr conf folder.
Be sure to surround multiple values with quotes.
Don't use it if you need the default solr settings.
SOLR_DOCS: ::::::::::
By default the script will not index any documents. You can point this variable to a json file that contains your custom documents for indexing.
SOLR_PORT: ::::::::::
If you want your Solr instance to run on a different TCP port, define this variable; Solr will run on the default port 8983 if left blank.
SOLR_CORE: ::::::::::
Select the core, by default core0
DEBUG :::::
If 'true' prints solr logs
SOLR 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x variables ..................
SOLR_DOCS: ::::::::::
By default the script will not index any documents. You can point this variable to a json file that contains your custom documents for indexing.
SOLR_COLLECTION :::::::::::::::
Collection name to be created. If this variable is not set "gettingstarted" will be the name of the collection
SOLR_COLLECTION_CONF ::::::::::::::::::::
Path to the collection configuration. If not set the schemaless example that comes with solr 8.x will be used
Edit your .travis.yml and use travis-solr as a before_script script. For example if you want to use solr 8.1.0 with the default settings you can add this line to your .travis.yml: ::
before_script: curl -sSL | SOLR_VERSION=8.1.0 bash