Mike Olivas
Mike Olivas
Hi @sopelkin Thanks for taking the time to write this issue. We will take a look at recreating it and take steps from there.
Hi @spinlokd Thanks for writing up this issue. We will add this to our list of issues to recreate and fix.
@davelindquist-egistix Thanks for the detailed description of the issue. It is much appreciated. We will add this to our list of issues. As a workaround, maybe running a changeLogSync after...
Hi @php-coder Thanks for alerting us to this issue. We will add this to the list of issues to process. Not sure if this was a bug before and we...
Hi @zholub I just tried v4.0.1 and with logLevel FINE, it does output the SQL. As does 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.2.2. Those are the quick checks that I just tried. Did...
HI @zholub I was finally able to recreate your issue. I was previously using a .sql file for my change log and saw the sql it was going to run...
Hi @consultantleon Thanks for alerting us to this issue. We will add it to our list of issues to process. Btw, which version did you upgrade from that did not...
Hi @ilopmar Thanks for this enhancement request. I'll check with the team on the plan for other integrations. If you have a PR that would resolve this then go ahead...
@szandany Thanks for finding and submitting this issue. We will take a look see how quickly something like this can be addressed.
Hi @RichardBradley Thanks for the PR. Did the instructions in the Fast Track section provide enough details around integration tests? What should be changed in the documentation to make it...