Mike Olivas
Mike Olivas
Thanks @atzawada for creating this enhancement request. Here’s what happens next: A member of the Liquibase team will take a look at your contribution and may suggest changes, additional tests,...
HI @MarkTJohnson Thanks for alerting us to this issue. We will add it to the list of issues that we are processing.
Hi @ptkrv Thanks for alerting us of the issue. Can you share how you are executing or using Liquibase? Are you using Kubernetes, pods and services as well or what...
@abelk2 Thanks again for the detailed recreation steps.
Hi @roryodonnell We may need a different way of fixing this since, reverting back to the old way would also break other users that depend on replaceIfExists creating a "**create...
Hi @suilven It looks like a good option to me. They will need to be mutually exclusive options and will need to agree on default behavior if someone accidentally uses...
Hi @Spindl Thanks for the issue and PR creation. We will add this to the list of issues and PRs that we are processing. A member of the Liquibase team...
Hi @wnyffenegger Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. We will add this to the list of issues to process.
Hi @mrshanepaul Thanks for sharing your use case and info. Can you try using --schemas="ACCOUNT,EMAIL" instead of --schemas="account,email" and let us know if that works. Not sure how your database...
@mrshanepaul Thanks for the additional feedback and testing. We will look into it.