Víctor Molina García
Víctor Molina García
It seems the link from the example is not available anymore. This is something outside of our control. We should update the documentation though. I guess the original authors rearranged...
You can create a vectorized version of `is_land` with the help of `maskoceans`: ```python3 def is_land(lon, lat, resolution="l", grid=5): from mpl_toolkits.basemap import maskoceans lon, lat = np.broadcast_arrays(lon, lat) dummy =...
What version of geos did you link basemap to? I remember having similar problems when plotting Antarctica and they got solved using an older geos library (e.g. 3.3).
For the moment it seems that we are blocked to GEOS < 3.9. I was testing and this error occurs for the 3.9.x series as well as the 3.10.x series.
Hi @guidocioni! Unfortunately, I haven't had time to look at it yet. In the meantime, one workaround if you are using Windows or GNU/Linux is that you install manually `basemap`...
@PhillCli Thanks for the feedback and the hint about the `matplotlib` version. Do you have the full traceback that you get when using `matplotlib` 3.5.x? Probably some deprecated `matplotlib` syntax...
@PhillCli Removing the `projection` argument is equivalent to setting `projection="cyl"`. From your code snippet, if you try to do the following with the Robin projection: ``` plt.imshow(m._bm_rgba_warped) ``` you can...
Going a bit more into the `im1` object from my line added, just a couple of outputs from an interactive session: ``` In [24]: type(im1.axes) Out[24]: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot In [25]: im1.axes.get_images()[0]...
> I agree with @jenshnielsen! It would be nice to split basemap into a data `basemap` and `basemap-data` packages. (We are doing that in conda-forge BTW, when you install `basemap`...
Hi @ktavabi. I have a couple of questions: - What value did you assign to the environment variable `GEOS_DIR`? - Where is the path to the GEOS installation through Homebrew?