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Testing Angular – A Guide to Robust Angular Applications. A free online book and e-book.
Hi @molily, firstly, huge thanks for your work, the book is fantastic! As I was re-reading [the article about components testing](https://testing-angular.com/testing-components/#testing-components), I noticed that a couple of topics (`Internal yet...
I'm new to Angular and trying to understand where [ component harnesses](https://github.com/angular/components/blob/main/guides/using-component-harnesses.md) fit into the testing landscape. Would this be something worth addressing in this book? Or is it out...
I have translated this book into Chinese and published it on a Chinese website to help Chinese developer understand its meaning. I am not sure if this is feasible or...
Fixed a typo
Karma is deprecated and will be replaced with jest in angular in the future * https://github.com/karma-runner/karma?tab=readme-ov-file * https://blog.angular.dev/moving-angular-cli-to-jest-and-web-test-runner-ef85ef69ceca Someday the book should be updated for jest and web test runner
In Testing Components, there is a small typo: "In" should be "It".