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Ernie is an Erlang/Ruby BERT-RPC Server.
According to the BERT-RPC 1.0 spec error response should take the form of a tuple with two elements: an atom `error` and a tuple with five elements with error details,...
When the BERT portion of a BERP fails to decode correctly via `BERT.decode` in a Ruby handler the exception is not caught. This causes the Ruby handler to exit without...
### Basic implementation for persistent connections The request record now contains the pid of the receive_term process #request.con_pid which allows to report back once the processing is done. After the...
Can I build native modules using elixir? I tried compile elixir code using mix & write config file, but cannot load to ernie because module name. Elixir module's name (beam...
error: "Cannot encode to erlang external format: # < Rugged::Repository:8194580 {path: \"/datadisk/home/git/repositories/fxhover/mmmmm.git/\"}>" how to solve? thanks.
Hello, I've two questions about security aspects: 1. The question is what is transport of client -server communication? Is it https or encrypted somehow? 2. Why ernie has not got...
BERT using Ruby 1.9 can encode the integer 2282389, but when it is sent to an Ernie server, the call hangs. I don't know yet if this is an issue...
- Logging from a ruby module is covered. Logging from an erlang module doesn't seem to be. - Does ernie handle connecting multiple erlang nodes together or do I need...
When running "ernie -p 9999 -c example.cfg" directly from within the examples/ directory, things go haywire, with the following printed out time and again in an infinite loop: ``` =ERROR...