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Something failed while checking if the main class contains the main() method
I specify the mainClass for my included JarResource, but I get the following warning at build time:
[INFO] -- Prepare jnlp files
[INFO] prepare jnlp org.codehaus.mojo.webstart.JnlpFile@59429fac
[WARNING] Something failed while checking if the main class contains the main() method. This is probably due to the limited classpath we have provided to the class loader. The specified main class (com.digitalsteps.lisa.client.LISAMainClient) found in the jar is *assumed* to contain a main method... com/digitalsteps/jaas/ILoginObserver
When I launch the jnlp file from my browser, it fails because it can't find a main() method in ILoginObserver, but this isn't the main class, I is not the one I specified. How can I correct this?
any news? we need an answer