license-maven-plugin copied to clipboard
Unclear url for a dependency
Let's have a pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Maven: 3.6.3 Run mvn license:add-third-party Check the output license file for org.jboss.spec.javax.interceptor:jboss-interceptors-api_1.1_spec:1.0.0.Beta1 entry
Expected: the url is either empty (as not defined in the dependency pom.xml) or equals to (as defined in the dependency's parent pom.xml)
Actually: the url is: http://jboss-interceptors-api_1.1_spec/ something strange, looks like based on artifactId
I may have a similar issue, with guava dependency it generates the following URLs:
(The Apache Software License, Version 2.0) Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures ( -
(Apache License, Version 2.0) Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java ( -
(The Apache Software License, Version 2.0) Guava ListenableFuture only ( -
gives a 404 not found on GitHub because the correct URL is
. It looks like the artifact id is also append to the base url that is correctly set in the library's pom.
I'm using version 2.0.0
Currently experiencing a similar issue where the artifactid is appended to the url of a parent pom. Seems this is caused by maven behaviour:
Notice that the 5 URLs from the model (project.url, project.scm.connection, project.scm.developerConnection, project.scm.url and have a special inheritance handling:
if not configured in current model, the inherited value is the parent's one with current artifact id appended, since Maven 3.5.0, if POM property value is defined, it is used instead of artifact id: this permits default inheritance calculations when module directory name is not equal to artifact id. Notice that this property is not inherited from a POM to its child: childs POM will use child artifact id if property is not set. since Maven 3.6.1, inheritance can avoid appending any path to parent value by setting model attribute value to false for each url: project/@child.project.url.inherit.append.path, project/distributionManagement/site/, project/scm/@child.scm.connection.inherit.append.path, project/scm/@child.scm.developerConnection.inherit.append.path and project/scm/@child.scm.url.inherit.append.path.
Seems there is no way around this from "client" side. Package maintainer would need to fix their poms in either setting the url in every child pom or use the child.project.url.inherit.append.path setting.
btw. maybe there should be a way to override the URL like it is possible with the license in ?