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How to create seurat object from a loom file directly??
I have a loom file and want to perform differential expression analysis. How should i proceed?
@shaaaarpy: see https://satijalab.org/loomR/loomR_tutorial.html#loomr-and-seurat
This tutorial does not show how to create seurat object from loom object. Can you please elaborate on this?
The tutorial links to this vignette showing how to tun Seurat on loom files. There is no need to create a Seurat object as loom files operate by memory-mapping data on disk while a Seurat object would be loading all data to RAM.
@shaaaarpy I have the same question as you. I also need to convert loom file to seurat object. Do you find any solutions?
To convert a loom file to a seurat object, you must first load the loom file using the connect() function in the loomR package, and then convert it to a seurat object using the as.Seruat() function in the Seurat package.
Example: loomasseurat<-as.Seurat(myloomfile,cells="CellIDs",features="Gene")