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[CENTRAL_Ledger] Add Timeout to FX transfers
As a
Mojaloop Community member making use of FX conversion in mojaloop
I want to
ensure that the FX implementation POC is matured
so that
it can be merged into master and ultimately included in a release of mojaloop and used.
Note: This story covers the enhancing the central services components that are associated with the timing out fx transfers.
Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ] New transfer state RECEIVED_FULFIL_DEPENDENT is added to transferState table and to enum in central-services-shared
- [ ] Timeout handler: handler should be enhanced with new functionality to cater for these fx transfers
- [ ] Fulfil handler: should be updated to move fxTransfer to a new state: RECEIVED_FULFIL_DEPENDENT
- [ ] Position Timeout: ensure that position are timingout correctly on FX transfers
- [ ] Notification handler is updated to deal with fx-timeout event
- [ ] Verify that error cases are mapped and documented.
- [ ] Verify that if a transfer fails, the transfer and the associated fx transfer timesout
- [ ] Verify that if an fx transfer fails, the fx transfer and the associated transfer timesout
- [ ] Verify that the integration test are added to test the error cases.
- [ ] Verify that unit test are added
- [ ] Verify that all mojaloop core standards are met
Complexity: <High|Medium|Low> > A short comment to remind the reason for the rating
Uncertainty: <High|Medium|Low> > A short comment to remind the reason for the rating
These tasks have been moved to seperate stories
- [ ] #3902 Update Timeout handler to deal with fxTransfers timeout (with unit-tests)
- [ ] #3903 Update Fulfil handler to move fxTransfer to a new state: RECEIVED_FULFIL_DEPENDENT (with unit-tests)
- [ ] #3904 Update Position handler to deal with fx-timeout-reserved action for fxTransfers (with unit-tests)
- [ ] #3905 Update Notification handler to deal with fx-timeout-received action for fxTransfers (with unit-tests)
- [x] Create sequence diagrams ( @geka-evk ) - done
- [x] Create transfer state diagrams ( @geka-evk ) - done
- [x] And new transfer state RECEIVED_FULFIL_DEPENDENT (available only for fxTransfers) to transferState table and to TransferInternalState enum in central-services-shared ( @geka-evk )
- [x] Create new tables fxTransferTimeout and fxTransferError ( @geka-evk )
- [x] Add functional tests (@sri-miriyala )
- [ ] Acceptance Criteria pass
- [ ] Designs are up-to date
- [ ] Unit Tests pass
- [ ] Integration Tests pass
- [ ] Code Style & Coverage meets standards
- [ ] Changes made to config (default.json) are broadcast to team and follow-up tasks added to update helm charts and other deployment config.
- [ ] TBD
Pull Requests:
- [x]
- [x]
- N/A
- N/A
- Owner: TBC
- QA/Review: TBC
Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @aaronreynoza @geka-evk @kleyow @sri-miriyala @vijayg10
Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @oderayi
3 pts left